Hyeon Joo-yeop, who was hit by a’headwind’ after posting an appeal, was a real big deal

Hyun Joo-yeop is surrounded by suspicion

Hyun Joo-yeop takes legal action against the abuser

Following Hyun Joo-yeop Instagram

Hyun Joo-yeop, a broadcaster who was formerly a basketball player who was surrounded by suspicion of abusing, began to take legal action.

On the 17th, a law firm appointed by Hyun Joo-yeop, Min-ju, said on the 17th, “I gathered all possible data on the false facts related to Hyun Joo-yup’s school violence that were circulated through the online community and filed a complaint this afternoon.”

He added, “We will make it clear through the legal process that all the malicious reports against Hyun Joo-yeop are not true,” he added. “We will do our best to receive severe punishment for malicious extortionists and behaviors that agree with them.”


Hyun Joo-yeop was engulfed in the school violence controversy with the revelations posted on an online community on the 14th. As controversy arose, Hyun Joo-yeop denied the suspicion of abusing, saying, “There was a case where I gave my juniors a bite. I feel very sorry and sorry for my juniors,” and “There was absolutely no personal violence.”

Afterwards, Mr. A, who posted a revelation post, refuted the position of Hyun Joo-yeop through an appeal. He said, “I learned tobacco for the first time with a friend’s recommendation, but at that time, it was discovered by Hyun Joo-yeop, not a school teacher.”

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After the release of the appeal, Mr. A faced a headwind. As it was pointed out that sanctions against juniors who smoke at school were pointed out, public opinion leaned toward Hyun Joo-yeop. As Hyun Joo-yeop even filed a complaint, Mr. A was in a situation where he had to be pardoned.

The following is the full text of the position of lawyer Hyun Joo-yeop.

This is Park Seok-woo and Kim Young-man, attorney in charge of’Minju Law Firm’, who was appointed to the case of Hyun Joo-yeop’s complaint.

We filed a complaint on the afternoon of the 17th, gathering all available data on the false facts related to violence at Hyun Joo-yup recently circulated through online communities.

Hyun Joo-yup’s reputation was seriously damaged by the malicious lies of several people who were riding on the gangsters.

As the legal representatives of Mr. Hyun Joo-yeop, we will make it clear through legal process that all malicious reports against Mr. Hyun Joo-yeop are not true. In addition, according to the results, we will do our best to receive the corresponding severe punishment for the actions of malicious exposers and those who agree with them.

Through legal and impartial investigations, the truth will be made clear.

I hope that this will lead to a strong punishment, and this will lay the foundation for eradicating the illegal actions of those with malicious intent who are riding on the current trend.

What is true will be made clear by an impartial investigation. Until then, I hope that no one-sided, unfounded claims based on malicious intent will be reported.

Thank you.

Reporter Yoon Hee-jung

[email protected]

