Hwang Unha “No different from the fraudulent controversy over manipulating newspapers”

At an emergency debate held amid the allegations of fraudulent manipulation of the ABC Association, Democrat Hwang Unha and Democratic Party lawmaker emphasized that the improvement of the incidental newspaper incident is a matter of media reform.

The’ABC Association Incidental Operation Suspicion Emergency Debate’ was held at the press center in Jung-gu, Seoul on the afternoon of the 25th, hosted by members of the National Assembly Kim Seung-won and Choi Kang-wook, and co-hosted by the Democratic Citizens’ Union, the National Press Union, and Media Today.

▲ Hwang Unha, a member of the Democratic Party.  Photo = Media Today
▲ Hwang Unha, a member of the Democratic Party. Photo = Reporter Lee Jae-jin

Hwang Unha, a member of the Democratic Party, said, “If the 21st National Assembly has a call for the times, it is not only quarantine to overcome Corona 19, people’s livelihood and economy, but also reform of the criminal justice system and the media. The prosecution and the Chosun Ilbo and the media, two vested rights, form a cartel, threatening democracy in Korea. Justice is missing and the number of unfair victims is increasing.”

Rep. Hwang Unha said, “The Chosun Ilbo has been a special problem, but the Chosun Ilbo is the only one,” he said. They had forgotten the basic ethics that were no different from that. You have to thoroughly investigate.”

Rep. Hwang Unha said, “I believe today’s urgent debate will be a catalyst for advancing the press reform, an urgent and important task in our society.”

▲ The'ABC Association Incidental Operation Suspicion Emergency Debate' was held at the press center in Jung-gu, Seoul on the afternoon of the 25th, hosted by Kim Seung-won and Choi Kang-wook and co-hosted by the Democratic Citizens' Union, the National Media Workers' Union, and Media Today.  Photo = Reporter Geum Jun-kyung
▲ The’ABC Association Incidental Operation Suspicion Emergency Debate’ was held at the press center in Jung-gu, Seoul on the afternoon of the 25th, hosted by Kim Seung-won and Choi Kang-wook and co-hosted by the Democratic Citizens’ Union, the National Media Workers’ Union, and Media Today. Photo = Reporter Geum Jun-kyung

Open Democratic Party CEO Choi Kang-wook said, “As the Chosun Ilbo has been a media power that has had a great influence on public opinion formation with its unrivaled sales volume, the scale of unfair privileges such as various advertisement expenses and support funds caused by incidental manipulation is expected to be very shocking.” The number 1 newspaper in Korea’s sales may not be the salt of the world to reveal the truth as a media, but in reality it is a disastrous fact that it is in the business of advertising through fraudulent manipulation.”

The ABC Association is an organization that reports the results of the publication of copies from newspapers and certifies them through a sample survey. Previously, Media Today reported that as a result of on-site surveys conducted by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the actual number of daily newspapers such as the Chosun Ilbo and the Hankyoreh was only half of the reported copies. The number of newspapers is the criterion for determining the unit price of government advertisements.

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