Hwang Ui-jo found its place and spreads its wings

Hwang Eui-jo finds'in place', spreads its wings of flight

[엑스포츠뉴스 김정현 인턴기자] Hwang Eui-jo is gradually establishing itself as the front-line striker.

Hwang Eui-jo was selected as the front-line striker in the 2020/21 season League 1 Round 20 match between Nice and Girong Daeng Bordeaux held on the 17th (Korean time).

In the 49th minute, Hwang Eui-jo pushed Yasin Adli’s cors in the center and scored the opening goal. He scored No. 3 in the league and Bordeaux won 3-1.

In addition to the scoring scene, Hwang Eui-jo played a key role in attacking by showing a wide range of activities and good dribbling breakthroughs several times, creating a shooting chance for himself, and playing well with his colleagues.

Hwang Eui-jo has been showing his best performance since joining Bordeaux as he stepped forward as Bordeaux’s front-line striker this season. He has played in 18 league games this season and is scoring 3 goals and 2 assists.

Last season, under coach Paulo Souza, Hwang Ui-jo mainly played as a side winger. At the forefront, veteran Jimmy Brian and English prospect Josie Maja mainly came to the fore.

Because the two players are physically good, coach So Woo-ja replaced the build-up by acquiring a second ball following the air ball competition of the front-line striker through a long pass, and Hwang Eui-jo fell to the side because he was not a player suitable for the role.

Hwang Eui-jo scored 6 goals and 2 assists in 24 games last season, but his side was narrow as he showed the determination and activity he showed while playing as the front-line striker in the national team game.

Bordeaux is using Hwang Ui-jo differently this season as manager Sou-ja stepped down and Jean-Louis Gase took over.

At the beginning of the season, he continued the stance of last season, but gradually attempted to build up from the rear, and as this settled, Hwang Eui-jo, who is active in the front line, began to be moderated.

Hwang Ui-jo, who was selected as the forefront striker before Strasbourg in the 16th round, scored 2 goals and 1 help in 5 games, and the team also raised the ranking from 13th to 8th with 3 wins, 1 draw and 1 loss in 5 games.

After the manager’s change, Hwang Eui-jo is finally getting alive as he wears the right clothes. Moreover, as Hwang Eui-jo’s position changes and Bordeaux is on the rise, Hwang Eui-jo’s activities are expected to continue.

[email protected] / Photo = Girondang Bordeaux SNS

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