Hwang Hee-chan 30 minutes Leipzig Liverpool 02 Lost Quarterfinal Frustration UCL

'Hwang Hee-chan 30 minutes' Leipzig loses 0-2 to Liverpool...Frustrated in the quarterfinals [UCL]

[엑스포츠뉴스 김정현 인턴기자] Hwang Hee-chan struggled, but couldn’t prevent the team from dropping out.

RB Leipzig lost 0-2 in an away match against Liverpool in the 2nd leg of the UEFA Champions League in the 2nd leg of the 2020/21 season held at the Fuskas Arena in Hungary on the 11th (Korea time) and was eliminated from the round of 16 with a combined score of 0-4.

Home team Liverpool went on to 4-3-3. In addition to goalkeeper Aligon Becker, Andrew Robertson-Ojan Kabak-Nadaniel Phillips-Trent Alexander Anyur, Thiago Alcantara-Favinho-Gorginho Binaldum, Sadio Manet-Diogu Jota-Mohamed Salah were the starters.

Leipzig took the 5-4-1 screening. In addition to goalkeeper Peter Gulish, Christopher Nkunk-Lucas Klosterman-Dayo Upamecano-Nordi Mukiele-Tyler Adams, Emil Forsbury-Marschel Zabezer-Kevin Kampl-Dani Olmo-Youssuf Poulsen were selected.

Liverpool, who had already won 2-0 away from the game, reached a leisurely first half and tried to connect to Salah after Thiago’s advance in the 2nd minute, but Kampl covered and cleared it.

In the 5th minute, after Salah infiltrated from the right, Binaldum’s roving pass was connected to Manet’s shot, but slightly missed.

In Leipzig, after Nkunku advances in the 9th minute, Olmo’s shot came out, but Alison saved.

Liverpool attempted a strong header shot in a corner kick in the 18th minute, but Gulash’s super save came.

Leipzig failed a free kick in the 22nd minute, followed by a counterattack by Liverpool, and Salah moved forward and attempted a shot, but was blocked by Gulash. Manet followed up and tried to shoot, but it was also blocked by Gulash.

In the 24th minute, the steering cross was deflected by Thiago with an overhead kick, but he was weakly held by Gulash.

On the 28th minute Manet made a connection to Arnold after the central stolen, and Arnold’s cross headed for Salah, but Upamecano managed to clear it.

In Leipzig, in the 31st minute, Kampl’s mid-range shot missed to the right, and the shot from the following Forsbury box was also slightly missed to the right.

In the 39th minute, Liverpool managed to advance to the center and tried to shoot, but Gulash saved this too.

In the extra time in the first half, Liverpool made a mistake by Upamecano as Salah competed for a long pass, and the steering caught up and tried to shoot, but it could not lead to a valid shot.

'Hwang Hee-chan 30 minutes' Leipzig loses 0-2 to Liverpool...Frustrated in the quarterfinals [UCL]

In the second half of Liverpool, in the 54th minute, Mane passed a space pass to the steering wheel on the left, the steering shot was blocked by Gulash, and Sala’s shot again rose high.

Hwang Hee-chan was replaced with Yusuf Poulsen in 60 minutes and stepped on the ground, and Justin Clawibert was also replaced. Hwang Hee-chan attempted a mid-range shot from outside the box in the 63rd minute after the substitution, but it rose high.

In the 64th minute, it was followed by Hwang Hee-chan’s cross, which was replaced by Alexander Sørlos with a header shot, but it hit the post.

Liverpool moved forward in the center in the 69th minute, then connected to Salah on the right, and Salah scored with a shot, scoring the opening goal.

In the 73rd minute, substitute Deboque Origgi penetrated to the right and crossed up, and Manet scored from the other side, making it 2-0 in no time.

In a hurry, Leipzig Zabicher attempted a mid-range shot in the 80th minute, but was blocked. On the 81st minute, Liverpool cut the ball off the half line and Origi shot from the left, but hit the side net.

Liverpool leisurely beat Leipzig 2-0 and advanced to the quarterfinals with a combined score of 4-0. Hwang Hee-chan played for 30 minutes, but could not prevent the team from losing.

[email protected] / Photo = EPA/Yonhap News
