“If you try to do something on your own,
I have to be motivated, but in my opinion
That motive seems lacking”

Hwang Hana/Photo = JTBC’Lee Gyu-yeon’s Spotlight’
Hwang Ha-na’s father, arrested on drug charges, claimed that her daughter Hwang Ha-na’s husband had intentionally approached it.
JTBC’s’Lee Gyu-yeon’s Spotlight’, broadcast on the 20th, dealt with the reality of the Hwanghana drug case and the dangerous world hidden behind it.
In the broadcast that day, Hwang Ha-na’s father mentioned the pain of the family of a methamphetamine addict.
“It is said that among those who took methamphetamine drugs, they are the ones who have opened the’door to heaven’,” he said. “He said.
“What if Hwang Hana just came out after receiving crimes and punishments without probation last year?” He said, “We made our best efforts to reduce the sentence, but now we are regretting the most.”
He also expressed his thoughts on the sentence of his daughter who was arrested this time, “I think he should receive sufficient punishment for his wrongdoing.”
However, Hwang Ha-na’s husband was pointed out for the reason her daughter Hwang Ha-na got her hands on drugs. Hwang Ha-na’s father released the transcript, saying, “If you try to do something on your own, you must have a motive, but it seems to me that the motive is insufficient.”
In the transcript, Hwang Hana’s husband said, “I’ll explain everything to my father.”
Hwang Hana’s father insisted, “I think these friends deliberately approached Hana Hwang to sell the drug.”
Jeongho Kim, guest reporter at Hankyung.com [email protected]
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