Huons Global’s’Hutox’ spurs entry into the CIS region

Huons Global has obtained an item license for Botulinum Toxin Hutox in Kazakhstan.  Source = Huons Global
Huons Global has obtained an item license for Botulinum Toxin Hutox in Kazakhstan. Source = Huons Global

[이코노믹리뷰=황진중 기자] Huons Global (084110) announced on the 7th that the botulinum toxin’HUTOX’ has been officially registered in Kazakhstan, a major country in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) region.

An official from Huons Global said, “This registration is significant in that Hutox has officially entered Kazakhstan, which has great potential for the esthetic and pharmaceutical market growth.” “It is a very valuable achievement even considering the expansion of the market entry into the CIS region. ”Explained.

Huons Global will enter the local market through the Kazakhstan partner’YUMA Medical LP’. ‘Yuma Medical’ is a company specializing in esthetic medicines and medical devices, and is responsible for registering local permits and communicating with national partners to advance into other CIS regions other than Uzbekistan.

The two companies plan to accelerate their attack on the botulinum toxin market across the CIS region, as they have official approvals in Uzbekistan in the first half of this year, and approvals in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia are also in progress.

Huons Global Vice Chairman Seong-Tae Yoon said, “In addition to targeting major botulinum toxin markets such as the United States, Europe and China, we are strategically targeting emerging niche markets such as the Middle East and CIS regions, which are highly evaluated for future growth. He said, “I will also speed up obtaining official licenses and strengthen Hutox’s dominant position in the entire CIS region including Kazakhstan to dominate the market.

Meanwhile, Huons Global is making various efforts at home and abroad to strengthen its botulinum toxin business. In Korea, the application for product permission for the improvement of wrinkles around the eyes has been completed, and a phase 2 clinical trial is also in progress for the improvement of benign masseter hypertrophy (square jaw).

Huons Global is also concentrating on expanding indications and developing new formulations to strengthen competitiveness, such as successfully ending Phase 1 clinical trials for the improvement of glabellar wrinkles of botulinum toxin’HU-045′, which reduces the possibility of developing resistance.

Overseas, it has signed large-scale export contracts with major esthetic pharmaceutical companies in Europe, China, and Latin America, promoting local clinical trials and product approvals, and is accelerating its global expansion.
