“Hunterase”, a severe treatment for Green Cross, shipped to Japan… World’s first

▲ Green Cross Yongin R&D Center.  Ⓒ Safetimes DB
▲ Green Cross Yongin R&D Center. Ⓒ Safetimes DB

GC Green Cross announced on the 3rd that it will ship’Hunterase ICV’, the world’s first treatment for severe hunter syndrome, to Japan.

It is an analysis that the initial supply of goods has been made within a month after acquiring the Japanese item license in January, and the market penetration has entered the visible range.

Hunterase ICV is a treatment in which a device is inserted into the head and the drug is administered directly to the ventricle. Existing intravenous drugs cannot pass through the cerebrovascular barrier and thus cannot reach the’brain parenchymal tissue’.

The company expects that Hunterase ICV sales will start in earnest in Japan within the second quarter as soon as possible.

As the Japan Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare insurance drug price registration process is in progress, once the drug price is confirmed and notified, it is expected to be officially released and prescribed in the medical field.

The Japanese medical community and patient associations are also known to have high expectations for the efficacy and safety of the clinically confirmed Hunterase ICV.

Earlier last month, the first intravenous hunterase was shipped in China. China is undergoing a drug price listing process after Hunterase received approval as the first Hunter syndrome treatment in China in September last year.

An official from GC Green Cross said, “The related process is rapidly progressing so that hunterase can be used as a new treatment option.” Ⓒ Safe Times

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