How to use’Reishi Mushroom’ to help relieve insomnia

▲ Ganoderma lucidum <사진=농촌진흥청>

The Rural Development Administration recommended reishi mushrooms as a special crop that relieves insomnia and helps respiratory health in winter.

In winter, the amount of activity and time to spend in the sun are insufficient, and the respiratory system is dry, making it difficult to fall asleep. In particular, these days, when the time to live indoors increases due to Corona 19, this phenomenon is bound to get worse.

Reishi mushrooms, called’manenyeon mushrooms’ and’bulocho’ (不老草), act on the heart, spleen, and lungs to stabilize the mind and supplement consumed energy and body fluids.

Reishi mushrooms are good for when you wake up well during sleep or dream a lot, when your heart is pounding and anxious, or when your memory is declining.

Reishi mushroom is effective in prolonging sleep time by reducing the excitement of the central nervous system and gently releasing excessive tension in the muscles. Most mushrooms including Reishi Mushroom contain 0.1~0.5g per 100g of’ergosterol’, a precursor of Vitamin D Becomes.

In addition, ganoderma lucidum mushrooms are good to eat when coughing does not stop for a long time and phlegm is stuck in the throat because it strengthens weakened lung function. According to existing studies, reishi mushrooms stop coughing and eliminate phlegm and have an immunomodulatory effect.

In particular,’betaglucan’ contained in reishi mushroom activates immune cells (macrophages) that eat cells infected with bacteria or viruses, and promotes secretion of signaling substances (cytokines) that operate the defense system. It serves to enhance the function.

-Reishi mushroom porridge-

▲ Reishi mushroom porridge <사진=농촌진흥청>

Ingredients (recommended daily amount: 1 bowl)

Soaked reishi mushroom 15g, soaked rice 50g, appropriate amount of water and sesame oil

how to make

01. Put the soaked rice in a pot and fry enough with sesame oil.

02. When the grains of rice become slightly transparent, pour water and boil them over low heat.

03. Cut the soaked ganoderma lucidum mushrooms finely and boil them together, adjusting the amount of water.

-Reishi mushroom tea-

▲ Ganoderma lucidum tea <사진=농촌진흥청>

Ingredients (recommended daily amount: 1 cup)

Reishi mushroom 20g, water 1L

how to make

01. Put reishi mushrooms in cold water and boil them together.

02. When the water boils, reduce the heat to low heat and boil it for about 30 minutes.

Sommelier Times reporter Eunhee Jeon [email protected]

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