How many eggs should you eat a day? What to eat eggs in summer mpsn

New Delhi: Health experts around the world believe eggs are one of the most nutritious foods. Almost all essential nutrients are found in whole eggs that meet the needs of the body. Rich in protein, vitamin B12, vitamin D, and many antioxidants to keep you healthy together. However, eating too many eggs can be harmful to your health. Egg yolk contains cholesterol and also causes many gastrointestinal problems. So, tell me how many eggs are safe to eat every day…

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Let me tell you that eating eggs increases your cholesterol levels in your body. Egg yolk, or yellow yolk, contains 200 mg of cholesterol, so it is not recommended to consume more than 300 mg of cholesterol daily. Therefore, it is said that you can eat the white part of the egg.

How many eggs can you eat per day?
Talking about how many eggs a person should eat per day makes it difficult to answer. It depends on the person. Because everyone’s health is different, someone can eat more eggs and someone can eat more. Recent studies show that the average healthy person can eat 7 eggs per week. On the other hand, if you have disease and health-related problems, you can eat 3 eggs a day.

Can overeating cause side effects?
Let them know that eggs are nutritious. That doesn’t mean you eat more eggs. However, even eggs can do great harm if you eat nutritious food in large quantities.

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Should I eat eggs in the summer?
In fact, the effect of eggs is hot, and eating more eggs in the summer can cause more heat in your body. May cause diarrhea. Most problems appear in younger children.

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