On the morning of the 10th, medical staff are preparing for the AstraZeneca Corona 19 vaccine at Jeongdown Nursing Hospital in Yangcheon-gu, Seoul. News 1
On the 10th, the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) held a vaccination committee and discussed whether or not the elderly 65 years of age or older would be vaccinated against Corona 19 and their plans for the second quarter of vaccination. The final results will be announced in the morning of the 11th, and there is a high possibility that the number of vaccination targets such as the elderly will increase significantly to speed up the vaccination rate. From the end of this month, a way to give vaccines to those who urgently need to go abroad for public interest reasons such as public officials, soldiers, businessmen, and athletes will also be opened.
As vaccination, which was limited to nursing hospitals and corona19 treatment hospitals, is beginning to cross the walls of facilities and hospitals, interest in vaccination is expected to increase. We summarized what you need to know before and after vaccination in a question-and-answer format.
Q. If I apply for priority vaccination for public service, can all of them be correct?
It is limited to business trips overseas, overseas dispatch, dispatch of overseas spaces, participation in the Olympics, important economic activities, public interest purposes, etc., and within 3 months. Applications can be applied from the 17th, but must be approved by the ministry and the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It takes about 2 months from application to vaccination. You cannot choose the vaccine to be vaccinated. After vaccination, you will receive a vaccination certificate in both Korean and English. However, even with this certificate, after returning home, existing procedures such as self-isolation must be carried out intact.
Q. When will the vaccination target be expanded, when will my turn come?
The next vaccination targets are about 9 million people, including users and workers of welfare facilities for the elderly, elderly people over 65 years old, workers at medical institutions and pharmacies, and residents and workers at facilities for the disabled and homeless. Those in this group get the vaccine during the second quarter. If you are notified that you are the target person by phone or text message, you can make a reservation through online, phone, or in-person by selecting the desired place and time according to the guidance.
Q. What to take on the day of vaccination?
Wear clothes that clearly show the upper part of the arm to be injected and wear a mask. Arrive 30 minutes before your appointment time with your ID card or mobile phone that received the vaccination text message.
Q. Who should avoid vaccination?
If you have had a serious adverse reaction from other vaccinations, you should not be vaccinated. Although pregnant women are not subject to vaccination, vaccination is recommended for nursing mothers or those who have recovered from Corona 19. However, if you are infected with Corona 19 and receive antibody treatment, you must get the vaccine after at least 90 days.
Q. What should I do to be careful about underlying diseases?
People with chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, cerebrovascular or cardiovascular disease are rather recommended targets. The benefits of vaccination are greater. However, before vaccination, be sure to reveal that you have an underlying disease, and if you are not in good condition on the day of vaccination, you should postpone it for a while and get it later.
Q. You heard that young people are more difficult after vaccination.
The number of suspicious cases of adverse reactions reported from the 26th of last month to the 6th of this month were in their 20s and 30s. This is because the vaccine’s immune response is more active than in the elderly. However, it usually disappears after a couple of days or so.
Q. How severe is the adverse reaction?
Reported adverse reactions are in the order of muscle pain, fever, headache, chills, nausea, and dizziness. Most of them are natural reactions, but the severity of symptoms varies widely depending on the state of the body. Some say it’s hard, and some pass by without discomfort.
Q. Can I take medicine if I get fever after vaccination?
If you’re having a hard time with fever, don’t stand it and take antipyretic analgesics. However, it is better to take a drug containing acetaminophen, which does not have anti-inflammatory effects, such as Tylenol. It is not recommended to eat before vaccination. It is not known how it affects the vaccine’s immune response.
Q. If you get COVID-19 after getting the vaccine.
After the first vaccination, six people were diagnosed with Corona 19. Even with the vaccine, it took about two weeks to produce antibodies. In this case, experts predict that antibodies will naturally occur, so a second vaccination is not required. You can get Corona 19 even after the second vaccination, and in this case, the symptoms are likely to be weaker than those who did not get the vaccine.
Q. Do I have to keep wearing a mask after vaccination?
The U.S. quarantine authorities said that people who recently completed vaccinations may take off their masks, but we are still in the early stages of vaccination and are not reviewing such measures at all. The issue of quarantine measures such as masks can be discussed only after the formation of group immunity in November.
Q. Can I get a vaccine passport?
There is a movement to create a vaccine passport in some countries, but there is still no discussion at the world level. We still have to watch more. At this stage, issuing a vaccination certificate is all it takes.
Lim So-hyung reporter [email protected]
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