Houston OKC game postponed due to Corona 19 two days after NBA opening

Houston-OKC match postponed due to Corona 19 two days after NBA opening

Two days after the opening of the American Professional Basketball (NBA) 2020-2021 season, a game that could not be held due to a novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) occurred.

The NBA announced on the 24th (Korean time) that “we have decided to postpone the Houston Rockets and Oklahoma City Thunder game that was scheduled to be held in Houston, Texas.”

This is in accordance with the league’s health and safety rules, and Houston has failed to meet the minimum number of players for an NBA match of eight.

Houston has a total of 16 players, of which 7 are being tested for Corona 19 or have been self-quarantined, and one is unable to participate due to injury.

If all the remaining eight players were able to play, the match could be played as scheduled for Oklahoma City on this day, but the number of players available in Houston was reduced to seven as the team’s signature James Harden was not eligible.

Harden attended a crowded party the day before without wearing a mask, and the NBA decided that Harden had violated the league’s health and safety rules and prevented him from playing the day.

The NBA has notified players this season not to attend events with more than 15 people.

Oklahoma City was the opponent of the team that contributed to the match in March this year when the NBA stopped the regular league due to Corona 19.

At the time, Utah Jazz’s Rudy Gobert was confirmed as Corona 19 ahead of the match against Oklahoma City, and the NBA regular league was suspended.

/yunhap news

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