Hong Young-ki explained “Father’s debt, 400 million more…I can’t handle it anymore”

[이데일리 박지혜 기자] Hong Young-gi (28), a businessman from Ulzzang, who recently admitted to the fact of arrears in tax payments of about 500 million won, explained the controversy about his father’s “debt too”.

Hong, who is also the operator of’Younggi TV’, a YouTube channel with 61.4 million subscribers, said through Instagram at the dawn of the 31st that he heard stories about debts from his father when he was a poor child and high school student.

“I was a fitting model (at the time) and thought that I would have to pay back by opening a clothing shopping mall, and when I was a high school student, I started a shopping mall. My mom, who managed the money for the families I made, paid off the living expenses of the family and the debts of my dad.”

However, he said, “I had a child at a young age, which made me have difficulties in economic activities again,” he said. “It was hard to imagine because there were only one or two people who owed my father, but the principal was only 3 billion. In the meantime, I had another second, and soon after giving birth to my second child in 2015, I saw the daughter of the person who lent money to my dad posted an article, so I explained in front of many people and said that I would definitely pay for it.”

Afterwards, Hong tried to pay off the debt, but said, “In 2018, the tax amount of 500 million won fell to me. He said, “Nevertheless, because of the business that I started to pay my dad’s debts, I had nothing to do with it, but I had more debts. Still, it’s a family affair… I thought that I would definitely succeed and repay everything. In the meantime, the pressure from his father’s creditors continued, and he could only answer that he would pay it back. The pressure has been repeated until recently.”

Mr. Hong said, “I want to tell you about the person who was reporting my father’s debts five years ago and even now,” he said. “The principal borrowed by my father was 200 million, and my father and I paid 100 million. But this is only interest, and the principal is not paid off even 1 won.”

“Then, when I asked how much I had to pay, I said that the interest continued to accumulate and exceeded 400 million. My father owes 3 billion won and I don’t have one or two like this.”

Hong Young-ki (Photo = Instagram)

He said that he had been under pressure on his father’s debt for more than 10 years. The tax will be paid in full as promised to everyone.”

But “I thought my father’s debt was a problem that I couldn’t handle anymore, so I decided not to cover it, and decided to live each other’s lives. I sincerely apologize to those who have been hurt for a long time because of my father.”

Mr. Hong also said, “A few months later, the older sister (acquaintance) seriously distorted the worries I had confessed to believe in the things I had been struggling with and made it into weaknesses, making it a weakness with many reporters. I reported it to the issue YouTubers and began to write about me maliciously on community sites.”

He said, “No matter how badly my sister harassed me and harassed me, even if I report to YouTubers and disseminate malicious false facts in an anonymous community, I will make sure to face the truth in the police and in court.”

Earlier, while operating a clothing shopping mall on the 11th, Hong confessed that he had paid a large amount of tax due to negligence in management, and promised to repay 400 million won temporarily by selling the house he currently lives in and moving it to monthly rent.

The following is the full text of Hong Young-ki’s clarification on his father’s allegations of debt.

Hi everyone. This is Youngki Hong.

In 2020, as you all know, there were many incidents and accidents against me. It was a year when I received a lot of criticism and gave clarifications and apologies.

Today I want to explain why those things happened to me.

First, I got a call from a reporter this morning. I learned that my father’s debt issue was going to be reissued, and after a few hours, I saw articles and videos.

Let me tell you about my father’s debt.

When I was young, I lived in a really poor environment. When I was in the 6th grade of elementary school, I ran a part-time job on a leaflet and didn’t have the money to match the school uniform, so my friend used to change the school uniform. I couldn’t pay for the meals, so I packed my own lunch for a while, and I really wanted a pretty bag the day I went up to middle school, but I also wore the Sailor Moon backpack that I had for the first time in my first grade in elementary school.

I couldn’t buy a single shoe, so I wore size 215, and I took over and wore 240 size shoes.

When I was young, I moved almost every 2-3 years, but I really hated breaking up with my friends, so I pretended to be unaware of the circumstances of moving and complained all the time.

I lived in such a life and started to become famous little by little from my third year in middle school. That led me to start making money with fitting models. I was happy to think that I could be a boon to my family, and I was so happy that I could buy shoes that fit my feet with the money I received from a fitting model for the first time.

And I went to high school. After going to high school, my dad called us all and talked it hard. Dad said I’m sorry that people could come home to school because Dad is in big debt and that you may be harder in the future.

Since then, people have come home and have been so afraid and painful.

Every day I prayed to God when I could be happy. I prayed for my father’s debt to be paid off.

And I was a fitting model and thought that I had to set up a clothing shopping mall to pay off, and when I was a high school student, I started a shopping mall.

My mom, who managed the money for my family, paid off my dad’s debts and living expenses.

Then I had a child at a young age, which made it difficult for me to work financially, and after several months of not being able to pay my father’s debts, I came back home, came to my office, went through everything, and even had a hundred days of finance to pay my father’s debts. And made me painful.

It was really hard to imagine because there were not one or two people who owed my father, but the principal amount was only 3 billion.

In the meantime, I had another second, and I saw the daughter of the person who lent money to my dad shortly after giving birth to Jet in 2015, and I explained it in front of many people and said that I would definitely pay for it.

Since then, I’ve worked really hard and pledged to make a lot of money with the heart that I must pay my dad’s debts. He told me not to be sorry for my dad to do my best to repay him too.

Since then, in 2018, about 500 million won of tax I told you a while ago has dropped on me.

The business I started to pay my dad’s debts made me more painful because I had nothing to do with my debts.

Why do I have these trials? I complained a lot about my parents, why I should have been so hard for what Dad and Mom did.

Nevertheless. Still, it’s a family affair… I thought that I would definitely succeed and repay everything.

In the meantime, the pressure from my father’s creditors continued, and I had no choice but to give back. The pressure has been repeated until recently.

I want to tell you about the person who was reporting my father’s debts five years ago and even now…

The principal borrowed by my father was 200 million, and my father and I paid back 110 million. However, it is said that this is only interest and the principal has not paid off even 1 won… Then, when they asked how much they had to pay, they said that the interest continued to be attached and it was over 400 million.

My father owes 3 billion and I don’t have one or two like this. I owe my father… It’s too hard to pay off the principal, but my father borrowed 200 million, and even though he paid back 110 million, 400 million remains.

I have been in charge of a family of six from high school to now, and now I am in charge of two families, husband and children.

In fact, it was very difficult and painful for me to handle it alone, but I tried to take responsibility without saying anything difficult to my mother, to my father, to my sister, to my younger siblings, to my husband, to my children, to no one, and not expressing myself to anyone.

But it’s too hard anymore. I also want to breathe.

The pressure on my father’s debts has continued for more than 10 years since I was a child, and now even my mind has come to an incomplete situation.

It’s been a long time since I couldn’t sleep enough to attend a psychiatry. Everything is a tough situation.

I, who was the representative at the time, was right that I was responsible for my mother’s poor tax management. Taxes will be paid in full, as promised to everyone.

But I thought that my father’s debt was a problem that I could no longer handle, so I decided not to cover it, and I decided to live each other’s lives.

I sincerely apologize to those who have been hurt for a long time by my father.
