Hong Nam-ki apologizes for the’LH speculation suspicion’… “No tolerance when confirming speculation”

I promised three things, such as preventing recurrence… Participation Solidarity “Not enough”
The situation is severe… LH staff aberration responsibility is very heavy


The first news today (7th) is the suspicion of speculation in the new city of LH employees that upset and collapsed many people. Deputy Prime Minister Hong Nam-ki and Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Byeon Chang-heum and others bowed their heads and apologized to the people.

[홍남기/경제부총리 겸 기획재정부 장관 : 가장 공정하고 스스로에게 엄정해야 할 공공기관에서 불미스러운 일이 발생하여 참담한 심정입니다.]

They announced that they would create countermeasures to prevent recurrence and redeem speculative profits, but at the moment, starting with the participatory solidarity that revealed this suspicion for the first time, it was not enough. Today’s newsroom covers this issue in detail.

First, reporter Kang Hyun-seok will report from the content announced by the government.


Deputy Prime Minister Hong Nam-ki opened his speech with an apology.

[홍남기/경제부총리 겸 기획재정부 장관 : 경제를 책임지고 공공기관 관리까지 종합하는 책임 장관으로서 국민들께 깊은 마음으로 송구하다는 말씀을 올립니다.]

“We take this situation very seriously,” he said, saying that the responsibility of LH employees for deviation is very heavy.

In doing so, he made three promises.

If speculation is confirmed as a result of the joint investigation, we will take measures such as requesting an investigation under zero tolerance, limit land transactions by employees of relevant ministries, and make them report even if it is unavoidable.

Finally, he said he would surely take back unfair profits.

[홍남기/경제부총리 겸 기획재정부 장관 : 부당하게 얻은 이득은 반드시 환수되도록 하여 다시는 그와 같은 시도가 발붙이지 못하도록 하겠습니다.]

In particular, he said he will continue to push ahead with the original housing supply countermeasures, such as revealing candidate sites for 2.4 supply measures during this month.
