Hong Nam-gi Expanded the conversion rate of eco-friendly ships to 15 by 2030

Reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 70% compared to existing ships

Namki Hong

Deputy Prime Minister Hong Nam-ki and Minister of Strategy and Finance announced on the 23rd that “by 2030, we will increase the conversion rate of eco-friendly ships from the current 1% level to 15%.”

Deputy Prime Minister Hong made this statement by announcing the ‘2030 Korean-style eco-friendly ship (Greenship-K) promotion strategy’ at the Emergency Economy Central Countermeasure Headquarters Meeting and the Korean New Deal Ministers’ Meeting held at the government’s Seoul Government Building.

He said, “Through this strategy, we will be able to reduce greenhouse gas emissions of eco-friendly ships by 70% compared to existing ships by 2030, and we will step up the conversion rate of eco-friendly ships.”

“We will convert 388 public ships and 140 private ships into eco-friendly ships, and expand future fuel infrastructure such as liquefied natural gas (LNG) such as the Busan-Ulsan port land terminal and hydrogen and ammonia to promote the supply of eco-friendly ships. “He emphasized.

In addition, he said, “We will build a test and evaluation base for related new technologies such as cryogenic liquefied hydrogen storage and ammonia fuel cells. We will support the safety verification process by building a demonstration public ship using this and demonstrating it at sea.”

The Korean-style eco-friendly ship promotion strategy is the first mid- to long-term strategy to propose eco-friendly ship development and supply targets for the next 10 years in accordance with the implementation of the Eco-friendly Ship Act in January of this year.

/yunhap news

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