Director Hong Myung-bo at the 2012 London Olympics. Hankook Ilbo data photo
Ulsan Hyundai coach Hong Myung-bo, who wrote the first bronze medal myth in the history of Korean men’s football at the 2012 London Olympics, gave a tribute to Kim Hak-beom-ho, who received the result of the group lottery, saying “I wish you a gold medal.”
At a press conference ahead of the HanawonQ K League 1 (first division) home game against Jeonbuk held at Ulsan Munsu Stadium on the 21st, coach Hong said, “A lot of people cheered and prayed, so we made a good group. I think this came out.
On this day, Kim Hak-beom-ho was organized in Group B along with New Zealand, Honduras and Romania in the Tokyo Olympics men’s soccer finals draw held at the headquarters of the International Football Federation (FIFA) in Zurich, Switzerland. All three teams are evaluated as the easiest group formation because of their lower FIFA rankings than Korea.
Kim Hak-beom-ho aims for the best performance ever, surpassing the bronze medal in London 2012. Coach Hong, who led the Olympic team in London, said, “I appreciate the skills of the Olympic team very much.” “The tournament is held close to Korea, and in July, we do not have to adjust to the local weather, which is very humid.” Said.
In doing so, he prayed for surpassing the London record. Director Hong said, “As there were foreign media reports that suggested that Korean men’s soccer would win a gold medal in Tokyo, I also hope that Korean men’s soccer will give great joy to the people who are going through difficult times by winning the gold medal.”
Coach Hak-beom Kim showed a vigilant appearance, saying, “There is no team weaker than us,” through the Korea Football Association after the group formation was over. “New Zealand, Romania and Honduras are not easy to see,” he said. “We have to do our best to prepare.”
Ulsan= Kim Hyung-jun reporter [email protected]
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