Hong Joon-pyo, who was called “a power hunter”, said, “The president has a munition investigation” five hours later.

Independent Representative Hong Jun-pyo.  yunhap news

Independent Representative Hong Jun-pyo. yunhap news

Independent lawmaker Hong Joon-pyo told Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol at 3:57 pm on the 3rd, saying, “If you look at the remaining term of office, you have enough time.” “Be on the job.

Previously, Yoon said in a media interview with the promotion of the Severe Crime Investigation Office (the Heavy Water Service), “providing extraterritorial jurisdiction to powerful forces” and saying, “I will bet 100 times if I can stop it.”

Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol is leaving the Prosecutors' Office after completing all the schedules for visiting Daegu High Prosecutors' Office and District Prosecutors' Office on the afternoon of the 3rd.  News 1

Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol is leaving the Prosecutors’ Office after completing all the schedules for visiting Daegu High Prosecutors’ Office and District Prosecutors’ Office on the afternoon of the 3rd. News 1

On the same day, Congressman Hong raised President Yoon as an extremely honorable title on his Facebook page, saying, “President Seok-yeol Yoon investigated the involvement of President Moon and his wife as a merchant ship in the Drucking case, and investigated whether President Moon was involved as the final indicator of the nuclear plant corruption case “Please take a direct step in the investigation of whether President Moon is involved, which is the final destination of the corruption case involving the mayoral election in Ulsan.”

He added, “Then, the public opinion will desperately feel the justification for the preservation of the prosecution’s right to investigate,” he added.

He said, “Isn’t the investigation of former presidents Lee Myung-bak and Park Geun-hye, who were already dead powers?” Will be.” He also ended his post saying, “The moment of determination is coming.”

[홍 의원 페이스북 캡처]

[홍 의원 페이스북 캡처]

[홍 의원 페이스북 캡처]

[홍 의원 페이스북 캡처]

There is a temperature difference from the criticism of President Yoon at 10:22 am, 5 hours before Congressman Hong wrote this article, saying, “I should have known that if I act as a hound of power, I could be like that.

General Yoon visited the Daegu High Prosecutors’ Office at around 2 pm on the same day and said, “The ongoing’complete prosecution’ (complete deprivation of the prosecution’s right to investigate) is a’corruption complete’ that completely promotes corruption.” , To abandon the constitutional obligations of the state and the government,” he criticized the ruling party for promoting the heavy water office.

Reporter Go Seok-hyun [email protected]
