Hong Jin-young initiates degree cancellation, final conclusion of thesis plagiarism

[뉴스토마토 신상민 기자] As the Chosun University concluded that singer Hong Jin-young’s master’s thesis was plagiarism, it initiated the administrative procedure necessary to cancel the degree..

Chosun University 23On the afternoon of the afternoon of the day, the Graduate Committee was held and announced that Hong Jin-young’s master’s thesis was finalized as plagiarism.. Accordingly, Chosun University is planning to initiate the administrative procedure necessary for Hong Jin-young’s degree cancellation..

When the suspicion of plagiarism of Hong Jin-young’s thesis was raised, the University Win Committee requested an investigation by the University Research Ethics Institute.. Therefore, the Research Integrity Council Corresponds to plagiarismDelivered the report to the graduate school committee.. Since then, the Graduate Committee 18Day afternoon5Gave me the opportunity to submit comments.

Even if plagiarism is confirmed by the committee, the degree is not automatically canceled. After the confirmation, the degree is canceled only after going through relevant administrative procedures..

Jinyoung Hong is the past 18Acknowledging that thesis plagiarism If I did wrong, I had to apologize properly and get confused, but I was focused only on making excuses instead of reflection.. Not mature and unadulterated. WrongAnd In the future, I will take time to quietly look back at me and do meaningful and good things to repay the love I received.I posted a handwritten apology..

Also last 22Day corona19 Donation to Hope Bridge National Disaster Relief Association for overcoming 3000I even donated 10,000 won. Nevertheless, the public reaction is still cold..

Jinyoung Hong canceled his degree. Photo/Newsis

Reporter Shin Sang-min [email protected]

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