Hong Jeong-ho, Jeonbuk coach Kim Sang-sik’s expectations, allegedly voted by colleagues-Star News

(From left) Young-jun Choi, Jeong-ho Hong, and Yong-yong. /Photo = Courtesy of Jeonbuk Hyundai

Hong Jeong-ho, 32, the leader of the Jeonbuk Hyundai defense team, was elected captain this season.

On the 14th, Jeonbuk Hyundai said, “I gave Hong Jung-ho the captain’s position and appointed Yong-Jung Lee and Young-Jun Choi as vice-captains, and took on the role of bridging the players, coaching staff, and fans on and off the ground.”

Hong Jeong-ho, who wore a Jeonbuk uniform on loan in 2018, played a decisive role in winning the team from the first year he joined. In addition, last year, he made a complete transfer and contributed to the K-League 1’s 4th consecutive victory.

Hong Jeong-ho is considered one of the best central defenders in the K-League. On the 12th, he was chosen as the captain of Jeonbuk this season, receiving overwhelming support from the entire team vote held at the Namhae Field Training Center.

Jeonbuk explained the background of the captain’s appointment as “a player who has played a role as a bridge between seniors and juniors and shows the best skills on the ground and contributes to the team’s victory.”

Lee Yong, who was elected as the vice captain, is expected to lead his juniors well as the best member of the team and serve as a bridge with the coaching staff. In addition, Choi Young-joon, who returned from his rental life this season, is planning to lead his juniors well as a team member.

Hong Jung-ho, who became the captain, said, “As I became a captain with the support of the players, I will try to make my seniors and juniors stronger on the ground.” I will do my best to win the ACL.”

Director Kim Sang-sik said, “Captain Hong Jung-ho plays a central role among players during games and training. I expect that he will do well as the captain of Jeonbuk as the players have been directly elected.”
