Hong Hyun-hee, who is planning to become pregnant, “I can’t regenerate an egg… shock and fear”

Hong Hyun-hee, who is planning to become pregnant, “I can’t regenerate an egg… shock and fear”

Revision 2021.02.12 14:25Input 2021.02.12 14:18

Hong Hyun-hee planning pregnancy
Hong Hyun-hee received a checkup for ovarian function in the 3rd episode of T-Cast E channel’s’Comfortable Cafe’ broadcast on the 11th. Photo Source = T-Cast E Channel’s’Comfortable Cafe’ 3 episodes captured

[아시아경제 나한아 기자] Comedian Hong Hyun-hee said that she was shocked by the doctor’s saying,’Oocytes do not regenerate, and 500 to 1,000 eggs disappear in one month’ while undergoing ovarian function tests for pregnancy planning.

On the 3rd episode of T-Cast E channel’s’Comfortable Cafe’, which aired on the 11th, Hong Hyun-hee’s plans for pregnancy were revealed. Hong Hyun-hee showed passion for becoming a mother by visiting the obstetrics and gynecologists after the self-isolation was lifted twice in a row.

Hong Hyun-hee said, “I was too busy after marriage. I changed my age beforehand. I study about pregnancy and try to make a body.”

Contrary to concerns, Hong Hyun-hee, who was worried about old age, received a screening result showing that the ovarian function test result was 38 years younger than the actual ovary, and 17,000 eggs remained.

The doctor said, “However, the egg does not regenerate, and 500 to 1,000 eggs disappear in one month,” he said. “The function decreases significantly with age.”

Hong Hyun-hee said, “Anyone who is planning a pregnancy should sympathize and become aware of it.”

Reporter Han-ah Na [email protected]
