Hong Hyun-hee refuted → Complaint filed-Cheonji Ilbo

Hong Hyun-hee (Source: Jay Written Instagram)
Hong Hyun-hee (Source: Jay Written Instagram)

Hong Hyun-hee refutes “Sounds that make no sense”

[천지일보=박혜옥 기자] Broadcaster Hong Hyun-hee’s side filed a complaint with the police while refuting the suspicion of abusing.

Bliss Entertainment said in an official position on the 11th, “We collected all the possible data on the false facts related to Hong Hyun-hee spread through the online community and filed a complaint with the police station today (11th) around 6pm.

He added, “We will take strong legal action against all acts of posting and disseminating false facts to protect our artists,” he added. “We clearly state that we will not take any prejudice on matters that defame the honor.”

Earlier, Mr. A posted a post on an online community site alleging that he had been bullied by Hong Hyun-hee in the past.

In response, Hong Hyun-hee’s agency, Bliss Entertainment, said, “The recent disclosure of Hong Hyun-hee’s school violence is not true.

He said, “The author of this article has been writing this habitually since several years ago.”

Hong Hyun-hee said, “When I was in school, my appearance was no different from now. It doesn’t make sense,” he said. He said, “Let’s show up and face each other now, as it’s really proud.”


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