Honam: Nationwide: News: Hankyoreh

Preaching without a mask at a church in Jeonju on the 19th
I plan to visit Daejeon on the 20th

Pastor Kwang-Hoon Jeon is preaching at a church in Jeonju on the morning of the 19th.  yunhap news

Pastor Kwang-Hoon Jeon is preaching at a church in Jeonju on the morning of the 19th. yunhap news

Pastor Jeon Kwang-hoon of Sarangjeil Church, who led the August 15 Gwanghwamun rally amid the spread of Corona 19 last year, held a sermon at a church in Jeonju, Jeonbuk on the 19th. It is reported that 20-30 people including supporters participated in the event held under the theme of’Wake up, Jeollabuk-do’ and sat with sufficient distance. It is said that the event was organized as one of the nationwide tours for the ‘3/1 Pan-National Congress’. The organizer closed the door of the chapel and controlled access to prevent outsiders from accessing it. The police, Jeonju city officials, and reporters who visited the church to check compliance with the quarantine regulations were blocked from entering. In a sermon broadcast live on YouTube, Pastor Jeon said, “Has the left-wing government done all the development in Jeolla Province? Jeolla-do people should be alert. It was all done by the right-wing government. Saemangeum and the island bridge (building construction) were all done when former President Park Geun-hye was the leader of the opposition party.” Regarding the reason he visited Jeonju, he said, “Jeolla-do has not come back yet. Even Gangwon-do has returned, but Jeolla-do, the founder of the Republic of Korea, has not returned. “We have to abandon Kim Dae-jung, Roh Moo-hyun and Moon Jae-in.” At an event that lasted more than an hour, Pastor Jeon also criticized President Moon’s remarks at the New Year press conference the day before. Pastor Jeon is said to be preaching in Daejeon on the 20th. Jeonju city did not find any violations of the infectious disease prevention method at the event, but the pastor is planning to review whether the fact that the pastor did not wear a mask when preaching violates the COVID-19 prevention regulations. An official from Jeonju said, “Under the guidelines of the Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasure Headquarters, preachers are allowed to wear masks in terrestrial broadcasting, which is a public domain, but YouTube channels in private areas should wear a mask. After going through the procedure, I will review whether this part violates the quarantine rules.” By Park Im-geun, staff reporter, [email protected]
