Homeland Minister Byeon Chang-heum controversy over allegations of land speculation in advocacy for LH employees

MBC “Minister remarks that LH employees would not have known the designation of a new city”

Byun Chang-heum apologizes for “The speculative act is not seen as dull.”

(Seoul Sejong = Yonhap News) Reporter Yoon Jong-seok and Kang Min-gyeong = Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Byun Chang-heum, a controversy, is known for the fact that Korea Land and Housing Corporation (LH) employees made a remark that seemed to be embarrassing about the speculation of land in Siheung, Gwangmyeong.

In response, Minister Byeon said, “It is my unacknowledgement that the speculative behavior of LH employees has come to appear as if it is a fearful thing.” He promised a thorough investigation and said he would actively respond to the investigation, but Secretary Byeon’s remarks seem to be growing into a new topic of controversy.

MBC reported at the news desk on the 4th that Minister Byeon made a statement at the news desk, saying that he would not have invested in knowing the designation of a new city for the employees who purchased the land in Siheung, Gwangmyeong, and that they would not receive much compensation.

Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Byun Chang-heum
Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Byun Chang-heum

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Ha Sa-Heon = Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Byun Chang-heum leaves the party’s office after meeting with Democratic Party Representative Lee Nak-yeon at the Yeouido National Assembly in Seoul on the 5th. On this day, President Lee summoned Minister Byeon and President Chung-mo Jang of Korea Land Corporation (LH) as acting representatives to reprimand the allegations of speculation by former and current LH employees in the new city. 2021.3.5
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The company’s reporter inquired through text messages, and Secretary Byeon responded like this.

According to reports, Minister Byun said, “It seems that they did not know the development information and bought the land in advance. I bought it because it was not possible to develop a new city, but it seems that it was suddenly designated as a new city.”

He also said, “It is stupid to buy land in a new city that is fully accepted. There is no merit because it is purchased as a connoisseur.”

The government’s joint investigation has now begun, and criticism has been raised as to whether the minister in charge has decided in advance and is trying to defend them.

It is pointed out that the employees of LH, a public corporation responsible for the creation of the new city, are actually going to speculate on the land, and that it is inappropriate in a situation where there is public consensus.

In response, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport said in a text message to reporters on the morning of the 5th, “Minister Byun defended LH even though he repeatedly emphasized that speculation of real estate by employees of public corporations is not possible and should not be done in terms of professional ethics. “We are very sorry to hear that a broadcast that may be misunderstood has been reported.”

However, it is reported that the Democratic Party’s representative Lee Nak-yeon called Minister Byeon and rebuked the alleged land speculation by LH employees on the same day, and strongly rebuked the MBC report.

Representative Lee also pointed out, “You must never make a statement that seems to be dominated by the organization in the future.”

A member of the lawmaker who attended the meeting said, “Minister Byun explained the report process and mentioned it again in a way that’but it’s not illegal when it comes to consideration,’ and Lee spoke in a stronger tone.”

It is said that Minister Byeon made a remark as if advocating for LH employees again at the position of explaining to Lee.

As the controversy grew, Minister Byeon apologized for his remarks by sending a text message again to reporters on this afternoon.

Minister Byun said, “Even though real estate speculation by employees of public corporations that develop land publicly for any reason is unacceptable, it is unclear to me that the speculation act was reflected as a doom by explaining the reasons for speculation by LH employees.” Said.

He said, “In the future, employees of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Local governments, LH and local public corporations will never forgive real estate transactions for speculative purposes regardless of the reasons or profits. Continued.

Minister Byun said, “The government joint investigation team arrived at the LH headquarters this afternoon and initiated an investigation in earnest, and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport has also begun an investigation.” Except for cases, all employees have submitted consent for collecting land ownership information,” he explained.

Minister Byeon added, “We will do our best to restore the public’s trust through rapid and intensive investigations, punishment, and establish countermeasures to prevent recurrence, and to implement the housing supply plan promised to the people.”

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