Home mortgage loan interest rate comparison 2% bank search trend

After Gyeonggi and Busan, the number of apartments sold with more than 1.5 billion won is increasing rapidly. Now, not only the metropolitan area, but also high-priced apartments where mortgage loans do not come out are emerging. The number of reported transactions exceeding 1.5 billion last year was 9307, an increase of about 10% from 8391 last year. In particular, in the case of Gyeonggi-do, housing prices have risen to an all-time high due to traffic concessions such as the new subway and GTX stations. Namyangju housing price rose 0.96% this week, showing the highest increase rate in Gyeonggi-do.
Despite the government’s efforts, the investment and speculative forces surged as the house prices were not caught. Whenever a regulated area emerged, expedition investment was made to an unregulated area, resulting in an increase in housing transaction volume and housing prices nationwide.
In addition, foreign real estate speculation with relatively few restrictions on mortgage loans has emerged. According to statistics, the area of ​​Chinese-owned real estate has increased by 5.2 times in eight years.
All kinds of financial regulations and punitive taxation have been made to prevent the purchase of homes by their own people, and the Korean people are facing reverse discrimination because they have not applied regulations to foreigners. A total of 23,167 apartments purchased by foreigners were surveyed with 13,357 billion Chinese apartments, 3,1691 billion won, 4282 Americans 2,190.6 billion won, and 1504 Canadians 7987 billion won. The largest location was Seoul, with 4473 houses. For foreigners, it was relatively easy to acquire a home because the LTV and DTI regulations were not properly applied when buying an apartment with a mortgage loan. In addition, in the case of foreigners, it was difficult to identify the members, so it was not possible to apply the intensive transfer tax and acquisition tax applied to one household with two or more houses. Korea, where home prices are updating the highest every day, has become the best investment destination for foreigners.

As the transaction volume increased, the business that grew the most was a realtor and a mortgage loan interest rate comparison service.
Due to the soaring housing price and the government’s 3rd Lease Act, the jeonse crisis has exploded, and buying sentiment exploded, and it is the best time for a realtor because many transactions occur at high prices. In the case of certified brokerages, only newly opened locations exceeded 110,000, and it is reported that closed brokerages were 12,733, down 17.6% compared to the previous year (15,496).

Home Mortgage Loan Interest Rate Comparison “Bank Mall” (Homepage:


)( Free consultation representative number: 1544-2220) According to officials, various real estate regulation policies are pouring out, and inquiries about the regulation and availability of mortgage loans have increased significantly. Until the government’s regulatory policy on mortgage loans came out, it was only necessary to consider interest rates within the 70% limit, but now the priority is to check whether a mortgage loan is possible. With 26 new mortgage-related measures coming out last year, the loan limit as well as the availability of it became uncertain, and financial consumers who needed a mortgage loan only increased their anxiety. The mortgage loan interest rate comparison service is a service that recommends the most advantageous mortgage loan product according to the customer’s situation by collecting all of the bank’s interest rate as well as screening guides and conditions. It is said that the rate of mortgage loans by bank is of high accuracy as well as whether it is possible or not, which is said to be of great help to consumers who plan for financing before contracting.

Mortgage loan interest rate comparison service trend

The online mortgage loan interest rate comparison service is conducted non-face-to-face. As it is now, when it is difficult to visit a bank and receive counseling, the mortgage loan interest rate comparison service is gaining great popularity with many consumers because it is possible to check the most advantageous products for each bank and compare the pros and cons without visiting the bank. Bank Mall provides KakaoTalk consultation for busy office workers and self-employed people. From 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., you can conveniently get accurate information regardless of time and place.
(KakaoTalk consultation:


/ Free consultation: 1544-2220)

Not only government regulations, apartment mortgage loans, but also jeonse loans

The cheonsei crisis, which started last year, has arisen since the government created the 3rd Housing Lease Act. In order to prevent the landlord from raising the deposit at will, the width of the increase was set at 5%, and the contract renewal request right was made, so the landlord could not raise the jeonse price and move in after moving in. As a result, from the beginning, the jeonse price was raised according to the price of the house, and it became fashionable, and there were many situations in which tenants were abandoned and apartments were sold. As a result, the jeonse price has risen to the point that it cannot be further increased, and it has become difficult to find jeonse items.
As the situation is like this, there is a situation where you have to pay the “temporary down payment” as long as the chartered item comes out. If you make a temporary down payment without checking the limit and availability of jeonse loans, you may lose the down payment due to unexpected circumstances. However, if this is not done, families who have no place to move immediately will be forced to make provisional down payments.

In line with this situation, Bank Mall is making efforts to prevent the loss of the down payment by checking whether it is possible based on the address before the charter contract and the simple details of the debtor. In the case of jeonse loans, unlike mortgage loans, there are three products for each bank. It is a loan product provided by the Korea Housing Finance Corporation guarantee, the Seoul Guarantee Insurance product, and a safe jeonse of the Housing and Urban Guarantee Corporation. Each product has a different screening guide and the possible limit is different, so it is almost impossible for individuals to individually check. Therefore, it is necessary to accurately check availability and interest rates by comparing each bank through a specialized interest rate comparison site.

Bank Mall interest rate comparison service, expansion of general mortgage loans as well as special products

Unlike other online mortgage loan comparison sites, Bank Mall has specialized departments for each field to increase its expertise. The general counselor does not give inaccurate information without specialized background knowledge, but a team in charge of jeonse loans that specializes in cheonsei, and a business finance team that is in charge of additional financing loans and business mortgage loans, as well as villas and officetels. Experts in each field, such as the home mortgage team, are organized to provide systematic consultation and precautions from contracts to loans. In particular, in the case of additional apartment loans or subordinated apartment loans in the second financial sector, it is difficult to consult with banks and information is not open, making it impossible to simply check the limits and interest rates. Therefore, it is a great help to consumers who need limits.

If you need a mortgage loan in the short term, you should check the interim repayment fee.

Most people who get mortgage loans try to make the maturity as long as possible, from 30 to 35 years. But for those who need a loan in the short term, there is something to consider. It is the “intermediate redemption fee” When a bank proceeds with a mortgage loan, initial costs such as setup fees, stamp duty, and labor costs are incurred according to the loan amount. If the consumer only spends a short period of time and repays the loan, he has to bear the loss of the initial cost. Therefore, banks are required to pay a penalty according to the period of use of the loan if the lender repays the principal within a certain period of time through an early payment fee.
If you plan to use it for a short period of time, such as a jeonse eviction loan, you must compare the early repayment fee and interest rate.If you use an interest rate comparison site, you can determine the expected expenditure and prepayment fee according to the loan usage period, the most advantageous product. You can be informed of what is.

Apartment Mortgage Loan Interest Rate Comparison Bank Mall?

Bank Mall is an interest rate comparison company that compares and recommends interest rates and conditions of all financial companies from commercial banks to insurance companies as well as 2 financial sectors for free. Unlike other sites, it is the only site that appeared on terrestrial TV such as KBS2 unlimited refill salad, MBC Radio’s handheld economy, and SBS Special. It is highly reliable and recognized as being introduced on cable TV such as TVN Cool Kadang and Golden Compass. As it is the first site to compare online mortgage loans, its accumulated know-how and accumulated customers are also incomparable with other sites. If you still only believe in your main bank, or if you are receiving mortgage loans through a bank advisor introduced by Real Estate, please do a precise comparison and find out if it is the best bank for you.

The mortgage loan interest rate comparison service

Bad mortgage loans can put a huge burden on financial consumers. A mortgage loan with an incorrect interest rate requires a high monthly interest rate, and an intermediate repayment fee is incurred to transfer to another bank, so it is not easy to change a mortgage loan even if there is a product with a lower interest rate. Due to recent regulations, the limit on mortgage loans has been greatly reduced, so there are many cases of financing in the wrong way. In fact, there are cases where the desired limit comes with an interest rate in the range of 3% up to 50% from an insurance company, but there are frequent cases where the 50% limit is set at an average interest rate of 8-9% by receiving an additional 10% from private finance after receiving 40% from a bank. do.
In order to prevent financial consumers from losing money due to such government imbalance and uncertain information, the service that allows consumers to make the right choice by checking all the conditions, features, and strengths and weaknesses of financial companies is the apartment mortgage loan interest rate comparison service.

Top 3 Questions Most Financial Consumers Ask

1. Is the home mortgage loan interest rate comparison service really free?
-In the case of specialized mortgage loan interest rate comparison companies such as Bank Mall, they do not require or receive any other fees because they earn advertising revenue through agreements with banks.

2. Can I trust the information I got from the mortgage loan interest rate comparison service?
-Professional interest rate comparison sites provide guidance by calculating the final interest rate by updating the surcharge rate of the day every morning to the additional interest rate that changes according to regulations and internal circumstances of the bank, and consumers are very accurate because they finally proceed through the bank. You can trust it.

3. How long is the received mortgage loan document valid?
-In the case of banks, the interest rate changes every day depending on the interest rate of financial bonds or the interest rate used as a standard, and the additional interest rate is valid for up to one month upon receipt of documents. Therefore, the application of documents is valid for up to one month, and if one month has passed, it is necessary to check again through interest rate comparison.
