Holadang Big Joe’s death in commemoration wave… Scheduled to be released on the 8th [종합]

[이데일리 스타in 김현식 기자] Singer Big Joe, who was a member of the group Holadang, passed away at the age of 43.

Big Joe died at 6:20 pm on the 6th at a hospital in Gimpo, Gyeonggi-do. Lee, the former producer of Big Joe, told E-Daily that day, “Big Joe, who was hospitalized, suffered bleeding due to organ problems due to inflammation, and he had an operation, but eventually died because the bleeding did not stop.”

Vinso was set up at the funeral hall of Incheon International St. Mary’s Hospital under the name of his real name, Bulk Joseph. The scheduled release date is 8th.

Big Joe debuted in the music industry as a member of Holadang in 2008 and released songs such as’Between’,’Dazed’, and’Push It’.

Big Joe, who was in charge of rap within the team, attracted attention because he was a huge rapper who weighed more than 250kg at the time of his debut. Afterwards, with the help of sports trainer Sean Lee, he went on a diet and lost more than 100kg, but suffered from difficulties in health management due to the yo-yo phenomenon.

Big Joe, whose album activity has been weak since 2015, recently appeared on YouTube and communicated with fans. However, concerns have continued as news of Big Joe’s deteriorating health condition, whose weight surged to 320kg last month.

After the news of Big Joe’s death was announced, a wave of tribute continued online. Various online communities and Big Joe’s social media accounts have posted articles in commemoration of the deceased, such as “Good luck” and “Be happy without being sick there.”

BJ Park Hyeon-bae, who appeared on YouTube broadcast with Big Joe until recently, showed tears while praying for the deceased’s name through Afreeca TV after receiving the news.

The doctoral director, who was a member of Big Joe and Holadang, told SNS, “Big Joe hyung, who sang with me for 15 years, went to heaven. It’s so hard to let the older brother who really loves you go away. Please pray.”
