Ho-Doo Park sends video of’Ilbe’ to blaspheme late President Roh Moo-hyun for money

Ho-Doo Park sends video’Ilbe’ to blaspheme late President Roh Moo-hyun

Kim Eun-ji, reporter at Busan.com [email protected]

Input: 2021-02-23 09:43:35Revision: 2021-02-23 09:56:08Published: 2021-02-23 09:54:36


BJ Park Ho-du captured on Africa TV

BJ Park Ho-du captured on Africa TV

Afro TV BJ Park Ho-doo apologized for broadcasting a video that blasphemed the late President Roh Moo-hyun.

Park Ho-du admitted to his YouTube channel community at the dawn of the 23rd, saying, “Today, I was blinded by 1 million won, so I had a short thought. I will be careful not to do this in the future.” He added, “I will donate the 1 million won that I received to the underprivileged neighbors,” he added. “I am sorry to raise water.”

Earlier this morning, Park Ho-du was on a live broadcast related to Bitcoin. Viewers who watched the broadcast and asked, “shoot one million won ‘no reason (hyun + IU)’ video 3 minutes to play the full version, just different.”

So Park Ho-du told me to donate 1 million won first, and when the actual money was deposited, he told other viewers, “If you feel uncomfortable, please leave for a while,” and then the 3-minute video was sent as it is.

‘No reason’ image is a composite image of the 故 President Roh Moo-hyun and singer IU song ‘Good Day’ as the source of the images produced in the Community ‘ilbe (Best day) of the right-wing tendencies image. The song revised the lyrics in demeaning the late President Roh Moo-hyun.

Netizens who encountered the content continued criticism such as “It is a crime to be a crime, let’s dispose of the site”, “A world where normal people become weird”, “Honestly, this time has passed”, and “Isn’t it the lion’s honor?”

On the other hand, according to Article 308 of the Criminal Law, a person who defames a lion by unscrupulously stating false facts may be punished by imprisonment for up to two years, imprisonment, or a fine of up to 5 million won.

Ho-Doo Park is a YouTuber with 150,000 subscribers. It is also active through Africa TV and Twitch TV. It is popular as it mainly invests in foreign futures such as derivatives of international oil prices and the US stock market, and recently it is broadcasting bitcoin.

Kim Eun-ji, reporter at Busan.com [email protected]
