His son, who is paralyzed, enters the world of’legendary’ who played iron man games for 40 years while pushing a wheelchair.

Dick Hoyt (left), a strong father who has finished races with his son Rick (right), who has been paralyzed for decades in a marathon.  Source = Timhoit homepage

picture explanationDick Hoyt (left), a strong father who has finished races with his son Rick (right), who has been paralyzed for decades in a marathon. Source = Timhoit homepage

Dick Hoit, his father, who had finished races with his son who suffered from general paralysis for decades in a world-class marathon, passed away on the 17th (local time). 80 years old.

The Associated Press explained, “Hoyt took his son Rick in a wheelchair and ran the Boston Marathon, inspiring thousands of athletes, fathers and disabled athletes.”

The family said that day, “he went to sleep while sleeping in his home in Holland, Massachusetts,” and “Dick has suffered from heart disease.”

Hoyt is best known for his ‘Team Hoyt’ with his son Rick (59), who has cerebral palsy and convulsive general paralysis. His son, Rick, was severely handicapped when he was born with an umbilical cord wrapped around his neck and the supply of oxygen to his brain was interrupted.

The Associated Press said, “Dick and his son participated in the Boston Marathon in 1980 for the first time.”

Rick was happy when he was young, saying, “I feel like I don’t have any obstacles while running,” and his father was said to have been unable to stop running for such a son.

‘Team Hoit’ has completed a total of 1130 competitions for 40 years since 1977, including 72 marathons, 257 triathlons, and 22 duathlons. As members of the charity foundation’Tim Hoit’ gradually increased, a statue of the rich Hoit man was erected near the starting line of the 2013 Boston Marathon.

Another son of Dick Hoyt, Russell, said, “It sounds like a cliche, but my father was the hero of all of us. He was a wonderful father who treated and loved all three brothers equally, regardless of disability.”

The Boston Athletic Association (BAA) said, “I am very sad to hear of the death of Dit Hoit, an icon and legend of the Boston Marathon.” “He showed determination, passion, and love as a Boston Marathon runner for over 30 years,” he mourned.

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