Heungkuk Life Insurance’s Pink Spiders accommodation controlled by the entrance [포토] -Photo> Article

[더팩트ㅣ용인=임영무 기자] Recently, Lee Da-yeong of Pink Spiders of Heungkuk Life, a female professional volleyball player, made an extreme choice due to a disagreement with fellow Kim Yeon-kyung. Are doing.

Kim Yeon-gyeong and Lee Da-young’s discord on social media in December of last year, “I’m young, can’t I do it? Can’t it? The culture of gag-jil should disappear as soon as possible in our society. It’s not a grown-up that you only get respected when you do something to be respected” It started by posting the article. As the poor performance continued after the discord, Kim Yeon-kyung admitted to the discord in December last year, saying, “I think any team has an internal problem. It is true that there was an internal problem.” Since then, the team of Heungkuk Life Insurance said, “There were a number of misunderstandings that were accumulated, and it was resolved well.

However, it was reported that Lee Da-young, who raised the discord on the 7th, made an extreme choice, and a fellow player found Lee Da-young lying down in a volleyball club’s lodging and moved to the hospital. The club said that it was not an extreme option, and “I received treatment for a severe stomach pain.”

On the other hand, on the same day, an article that revealed that he had suffered school violence in the past by Lee Jae-young and Lee Da-young of Heungkuk Life Insurance was posted on the online community’Nate Pan’, causing ripples. In the revelation article, the situation of school violence by volleyball players was described very clearly. On the online community, a long article titled’The current volleyball players are victims of school abuse’ was posted.

Mr. A, who posted this day, said in an additional post, “The perpetrators first contacted us after seeing our article, and they said that they would come to the apology and apologize directly, and the victims are going to write after the apology is confirmed.”

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