Heung-min Son Bale W Ceremony Fulfilling promises with children with leukemia

[엑스포츠뉴스 김정현 인턴기자] In the UK, speculation about the ceremony of Son Heung-min and Bale continued.

Son Heung-min and Gareth Bale participated in the match against Wolfsberge in the first leg of the UEFA Europa League round of 32 in the 2020/21 season held at the Fuskas Arena on the 19th (Korean time).

After Bale penetrated the right flank in the 13th minute, he raised a cross with his right foot, and Son Heung-min scored the team’s winning goal by connecting a quick cross to a header score.

After the goal, Son Heung-min ran to Bale and hugged him, and after that, the two players made a’W’ shape with their hands and celebrated together. Tottenham followed by adding three more goals to win 4-1 on the away.

Thus, British football London guessed that the meaning of the two players’ ceremony on the 20th was an appointment made by Son Heung-min in Korea with a leukemia patient.

The media cited the local community Reddit and said that it was’keeping the promise made with Korean children with leukemia.

When Son Heung-min visited Korea in May 2018, he met Lee to grant Lee Sang-ho’s wish, sponsored by the Korea Make-A-Wish Foundation.

At this meeting, Son Heung-min promised to perform a’W’ hand-shaped ceremony with Lee for children with cancer and for Lee.

After this video, the scene of playing a game with Lee attracted more attention as Son Heung-min’s uniform and Gareth Bale’s name and uniform number marking in Real Madrid.

After that, Son Heung-min never performed this ceremony, but on this day, Veil and Son Heung-min followed the shape of the hand in the video at the time.

When speculations about the two players’ ceremony became known on local Tottenham fan SNS, local fans praised the two players for their actions.

Local fans responded that it was “very good behavior”, “cool”, and “my players are so good.” However, the exact meaning of the two players’ ceremony has not yet been revealed.

Meanwhile, Son Heung-min said in an interview after the match that day,’I am very close to Veil. I have fun running with veil. He also revealed his friendship with Bale, saying, “I hope he keeps scoring and helping him.”

[email protected] / Photo = AP / Yonhap News / YouTube’Shoot for Love’ capture

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