Heroes disagrees with Chairman Heo Min’s two-month suspension of duties… “legal response”

KBO reward and punishment committee
KBO reward and punishment committee

[연합뉴스 자료사진]

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Nam-jik Han = Professional baseball Kiwoom Heroes opposed KBO’s decision to suspend his job for two months to Chairman Heo Min, and confronted him saying, “We will be judged by the judicial authorities.”

On the 29th, Kiwoom team said, “We are very sorry for causing concern to fans who love KBO, especially all fans who cheered for Seoul Heroes.” It was decided to seek the judgment of the judicial authorities regarding’whether fan inspections or violations of the law’ and’KBO disciplinary actions such as pitching by the chairman of the board of directors’.

Although I used euphemism, it means that I will take legal action, such as a lawsuit.

On the 28th, KBO confirmed and announced the disciplinary action against Chairman Heo Min and Kiwoom’s club.

KBO said, “By causing inappropriate and unnecessary behavior in the position of the chairman of the board of directors, it caused social controversy and undermined the value of the KBO League.” According to the following, he imposed a two-month suspension of work on Chairman Heo Min and urged him to prevent recurrence.”

Regarding the controversy over the fan inspection, “As it is a matter that requires the judgment of a judicial authority, the judgment on this is reserved, and if a judicial action is taken in the future, the sanctions will be considered according to the result.” “We will take serious warnings to the Heroes club and Kim Chi-hyun, as it is judged that the dignity of the league has been damaged outside the game by doing something that is likely to be inferior.”

Chairman Heo Min throws a ball at Spring Camp in February 2019
Chairman Heo Min throws a ball at Spring Camp in February 2019

[연합뉴스 자료사진]

Heo Min Ki-woom, chairman of the board of directors, stood at the center of controversy after a scene of throwing a ball against a second-team player at the Futures League training ground in June was reported.

Afterwards, Kiwoom was suspected of inspecting the fans who reported to the broadcaster by filming Chairman Heo’s pitching.

Lee Taek-geun, released from Kiwoom, recently submitted a disciplinary request to KBO, saying, “The club inspected the fans on a closed circuit (CC) TV to find out who filmed the video and gave an unfair instruction to investigate the fans.” A committee has been called.

After a long discussion, the reward and punishment committee expressed an opinion that “the grounds for punishment are insufficient.” Lawyers included in the Reward and Punishment Committee mainly interpreted it as’legal interpretation and strict warnings under the KBO rules as the most appropriate discipline.’

The Compensation and Penalty Committee, which included legal persons, interpreted that there was little ground for disciplining Chairman Heo Min.

KBO also judged that “If it leads to a court workshop, there is a high possibility that Kiwoom will win.”

However, there are many eyes that see’Chairman Heo Min throwing the ball at players and inspecting the fans who filmed it’ as a loss of dignity.

Governor Jung Un-chan also insisted that “Chairman Heo-min should be disciplined,” and in the end decided the disciplinary level stronger than the opinion of the reward and punishment committee.

Kiwoom’s team objected to this and announced a legal response.

Kiwoom said, “We will transparently disclose the (legal response) process and results in the future.”

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