Heo Min’two months of job suspension’ Fan temple is’determination reservation’

◀ Anchor ▶

KBO punished the chairman of Kiwoom Heo, who caused the so-called’baseball game’ ripple, for a two-month suspension of work.

Regarding the controversial’fan inspection’ suspicion, it was only a strict warning.

This is reporter Jeon Hoon-chil.

◀ Report ▶

In June of last year, KBO concluded that the act of the Board of Directors Chairman Heo Min, who gathered players to play’baseball play’, was impaired by the KBO.

They said it was inappropriate and unnecessary behavior and imposed a two-month sanction on suspension.

However, we have postponed a clear judgment on the’fan inspection’, the biggest issue.

Kiwoom’s club read the CCTV and said that a separate deliberation was needed after seeing the decision of a judicial authority later on whether the act that was specific to the fan was a violation of other laws such as the Personal Information Protection Act.

Regarding the act of asking to reveal the background of the video reporter through player Lee Taek-geun, we only urged a strict warning and prevent recurrence.

While acknowledging that there was something worth seeing as a temple, no clear discipline was imposed.

It is known that the judgment on this part was confronted during the discussion of the reward and punishment committee.

With the prospect of disrupting the appointment of Kiwoom’s new supervisor and representative over the punishment of Chairman Heo Min’s suspension of duties, and the point that it is a practically ineffective measure, Kiwoom said that the club is discussing how to respond to the sanctions decision.

This is Jeon Hun-chil of MBC News.

(Video editing: Park Byeong-geun)

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