Heo Gyeong-hwan, Kim Ji-min and the 17th couple? “If you are unmarried until the age of 50, you will marry” (No. 1)

Comedian Heo Gyeong-hwan (39, photo) shared positive thoughts about her marriage to comedian.

Heo Gyeong-hwan appeared as a guest in the JTBC entertainment program’Can’t be No. 1′(hereinafter’No. 1′) broadcast on the 27th.

On this day, Park Mi-seon told Heo Gyeong-hwan, “The popularity among comedians is skyrocketing,” and “It could be a potential candidate for the 17th (comedian) couple. How would you like to marry a comedian?”

Heo Gyeong-hwan responded positively, saying, “The reason I wanted to appear on this program was because I loved having an interesting marriage.”

When the panelists who heard this recommended a fellow comedian Do-yeon Jang, Heo Gyeong-hwan said, “Because Do-yeon is doing better these days, Do-yeon will hear the answer first.”

Jang Do-yeon responded, “This question itself will be ridiculous even for this older brother, and we are almost family.”

At this time, when Kim Ji-hye revealed, “You said you promised a future with Kim Ji-min?”, Heo Kyung-hwan said, “Please turn off the heater.”

Heo Gyeong-hwan said, “I was confused when 100 people were having a meeting in a small space.”

In addition, he laughed when he said, “There is Onami in it, so someone has to call someone and release it.”

Shin Jeong-in, online news reporter [email protected]

Photo = JTBC’Can’t be No. 1’broadcast screen capture

[ⓒ 세계일보 & Segye.com, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
