Heo Gyeong-hwan, Heo-Dak, taking 2.7 billion won… 3 years 6 months imprisonment

Over 600 account transfers to a separate partner company
Issuing and using promissory notes under the name of Heo Gyeong-hwan

Heo Gyeong-hwan / Photo = SBS Plus'Kang Ho-dong's rice heart'

Heo Gyeong-hwan / Photo = SBS Plus’Kang Ho-dong’s rice heart’

A partner who stole 2 billion won of money from a food distribution company run by comedian Heo Gyeong-hwan was sentenced to jail.

According to law enforcement officials on the 18th, Part 27 of the Seoul Central District Court’s Criminal Agreement (President Judge Kim Sun-il) was sentenced to 3 years and 6 months in prison and a fine of 1000 against Yang Mo (41), who was charged with embezzlement, counterfeiting and exercising securities under the Aggravated Punishment Act for specific economic crime Sentenced to 10,000 won.

Yang was charged with stealing a total of 2.73 billion won in company funds from Heo-Dak, where Heo took the lead in 2010-2014. It was investigated that Yang, who held the position of audit at the company, actually managed the company and controlled the execution of funds by keeping the corporate bankbook, seal stamp, and Mr. Heo’s seal stamp.

Whenever he needed money from a separate company he operated, it was confirmed that he withdrew Heo Dak’s funds from time to time. The total number of confirmed account transfers reaches 600 times.

In addition, Yang is also charged with signing, stamping, and issuing a promissory note under Heo’s name. In addition, there is a charge (fraud) that tricked Mr. Heo into paying 100 million won and not returning it to him, saying that if he helped him pay his own tax in 2012, he would pay it back within a few months.

Yang was also found to have drunk driving with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.211% in March last year.

The court admitted that Yang’s allegations were guilty and said, “It is a crime committed by mixing the accounts of the victim company and the accounts of the companies he was operating at will. The amount of embezzlement exceeded 2.7 billion won, and the amount of damage remaining is quite large.” I was criticized.

He said, “The 100 million won in fraudulent fraud was not repaid at all until 9 years from the time of the crime, and the blood alcohol concentration was quite high at the time of drunk driving.”

Reporter Jo Ara Hankyung.com [email protected]

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