Heavy snow warning on Ulleungdo and Dokdo… Maintain cold wave warning in 16 places in Gyeongbuk including Pohang

Snow on the ship

picture explanationSnow on the ship

The Meteorological Administration issued heavy snow warnings on Ulleungdo and Dokdo at 2:30 pm on the 7th.

A heavy snow alarm is issued when it is predicted that more than 20 cm of snow will accumulate in 24 hours.

Be aware of traffic congestion or damage to facilities.

Cold wave warnings are maintained in 16 places in Gyeongsangbuk-do, including Pohang.


│ Special report name │ Region │ Effective time │


│ Heavy snow │ Ulleungdo·Dokdo │ 7 days 14:30 │

│ alarm │ │ │


│ Coldwave │YeongjuㆍBonghwaㆍCheongsongㆍYoung│ 5th 21:00 │

│ Gyeongsang │ Yang, Gyeongbuk-dongsan │ │

│ ├————–┼—————-┤

│ │PohangㆍGumiㆍAndongㆍGim│ 6th 21:00 │

│ │ CheonㆍChilgokㆍSangjuㆍ │ │

│ │MungyeongㆍYecheonㆍUiseongㆍUl│ │

│ │ Jin/Gunwi │ │

│ ├————–┼—————-┤

│ │GyeongsanㆍGyeongjuㆍYeongcheonㆍSeong│ 7 days 21:00 │

│ │ Province, Qingdao, Goryeong │ │


│ Cold wave │ Yeongdeok │ 6th 21:00 │

│ advisory │ │ │


│ Construction │ Uljin, North Gyeongsang Province │ 3 days 11:00 │

│ alarm │ │ │


│ Construction │ Yeongdeok │ 21st 16:00 │

│ Advisory ├────────┼─────────┤

│ │PohangㆍGyeongjuㆍYoungjuㆍBong│ 2nd 11:00 │

│ │ Tue │ │

│ ├————–┼—————-┤

│ │ GyeongsanㆍAndongㆍYecheon │ 3 days 11:00 │



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