“Hate crime, unacceptable”… U.S. Ministry of Justice releases a statement in Korean

Capturing a statement by Pamela Callan, Senior Deputy Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, US Department of Justice

Capturing a statement by Pamela Callan, Senior Deputy Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, US Department of Justice

The U.S. Department of Justice issued a statement in Korean, in an unusual way, in the name of the Senior Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Civil Rights Department on’hate crimes’ against race, religion, or the state. This statement was released not only in Korean, but also in Chinese, Arabic, Vietnamese, and Tagalog.

On the 5th (local time), the US Department of Justice said, “The United States is currently facing unprecedented challenges, such as the act of pouring oil to promote intolerance and hatred.” “Hate crimes are unacceptable in our country (USA).” Announced a statement in the name of Pamela Callan, Senior Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Civil Rights Department.

The statement stated, “The Ministry of Justice will continue to mobilize all necessary resources to protect our neighbors and communities from these terrible crimes. We are determined to implement justice for victims.”

“If any crime is motivated by hatred toward race, religion, national origin, gender (including sexual orientation or gender identity), disability, or nationality, it will have ripple effects throughout the community. No one should live in fear of sacrifice because of who they are, because of how they worship, because of where they come from, or because of whom they love.”

On the 4th (local time), a procession is underway in California, USA, calling for an end to hate crimes against Asian citizens.  AFP=Yonhap News

On the 4th (local time), a procession is underway in California, USA, calling for an end to hate crimes against Asian citizens. AFP=Yonhap News

Senior Deputy Deputy Assistant Secretary Callan explained that, on hate crimes, ▶ personnel training, including federal prosecutors, ▶ frequent communication with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Prosecutors’ Office, ▶ actively prosecuting and operating programs. In addition, through a statement, the homepage and reporting site where additional information from the Ministry of Justice can be obtained were guided.

Experts analyze that hate crimes against Asian citizens are increasing rapidly in the United States due to the spread of a novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19).

Analysis of the Hate Radicalism Research Center at California State University found that out of the number of hate crimes in 16 cities including New York and Los Angeles last year, crimes against Asian citizens increased 2.5 times from the previous year. Last month, a Korean-American man in his twenties was brutally assaulted by two Hispanic males in the Koreantown of Los Angeles.

The Ministry of Justice’s release of such a statement in foreign languages ​​such as Korean is interpreted as being concerned about the growing situation in the United States with such hate crimes.

Reporter Na Unchae [email protected]
