Harvard University’s Korean History Professor “Comfort Women’s Prostitutes’ Prof. Thesis, Historically Disastrously Defect”

Preparing journal to refute some professors’ claims of prostitution contracts

800 law students across the United States signed petitions for criticism

yunhap news

Mark Ramsayer (pictured), a professor at Harvard Law School, who defined victims of Japanese military comfort women as “voluntary prostitutes,” has been criticized.

In an article published on the 7th (local time), the Harvard campus newspaper’Crimson’ highlighted the post-storm in the thesis, saying that international controversy is arising over Professor Ramsey’s argument. According to the newspaper, many legal scholars and historians in South Korea and the United States believe that Professor Ramsey’s arguments are flawed and question the source of the paper. Carter Eckert, who teaches Korean history at Harvard University, pointed out that Ramsey’s thesis is “disastrously flawed empirically, historically and morally.” He is working with Professor Andrew Gordon of the Department of History to prepare a journal to refute Ramsey’s claims.

In his thesis, “Prostitution Contract in the Pacific War,” Professor Ramsey described as if Japanese military comfort women victims made money by signing contracts and working at their will, and could quit work if they wanted. “It is not true that the Japanese government did not force women to prostitute, and it is not true that the Japanese military cooperated with prostitutes,” he argued. “Prostitutes who followed the military received more money than ordinary prostitutes because of the danger of war.” Opened.

Crimson pointed out that comfort women are the euphemism of a prostitute, but in reality it refers to women and girls who were forced into sex slavery by the Japanese Imperial Army. Alexis Duden, a professor of history at the University of Connecticut, who said he had attended Professor Ramsey’s class at the University of Chicago in the 1990s, criticized it as “a work that was skewed with poor evidence and academic evidence.” Professor Durdon added, “Because Professor Ramsey did not understand the circumstances or what really happened, the paper was written on the basis of a conceptually wrong understanding.”

Among Korean American students at Harvard University, there is a growing voice criticizing Professor Ramsey. The Harvard Law School Korean Student Association (KAHLS) issued a statement on the 4th, saying, “I strongly condemn the intentional deletion of human rights violations and war crimes.” 800 law school students from all over the United States also joined the statement. The Harvard Undergraduate Korean Student Association (KISA) plans to submit a petition to the university headquarters demanding apology from Professor Ramsey.

Professor Ramsey said that this backlash was “the responsibility of the law school students,” and “I am willing to talk to students about the thesis.” Professor Ramsey added that there are no more plans to do research on Japanese military comfort women.

/ Reporter Park Ye-na [email protected]

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