Harvard Professor “Discrimination between Koreans in Japan is blamed on Koreans in Japan”

Mark Ramsayer, Harvard Law School Professor

picture explanationMark Ramsayer, Harvard Law School Professor

It was confirmed that Mark Ramsayer, a law school professor at Harvard University who distorted the victims of comfort women and the massacre of Koreans in the Great Kanto Earthquake, justified discrimination against Koreans in Japan.

Professor Ramsey’s thesis,’The Problems of Social Capital and Opportunistic Leadership: The Case of Koreans in Japan’, obtained by Yonhap News Agency on the 17th (local time), contains a claim that it is to Koreans in Japan that Japanese discriminate against Koreans in Japan.

In this paper released in October last year, Professor Ramzier described the Koreans who moved to Japan during the Japanese colonial period as low-ranking workers who could not read, add and subtract.

In addition, he claimed that he had made a conflict with the Japanese without making any effort to assimilate into Japanese society, thinking that he would return to his hometown of Joseon after making money for several years.

Ramsay said, “The Japanese landlords avoided the Korean tenants,” and introduced them because of the unsanitary life of Koreans, heavy drinking, fighting, and noise.

Professor Ramsey claims that Japanese landlords avoided Korean tenants

picture explanationProfessor Ramsey claims that Japanese landlords avoided Korean tenants

He repeatedly cited arbitrary statistics on the high crime rate of Koreans in the 1920s among articles related to the Great Kanto Earthquake previously published, and then argued that the entire Korean population was criminalized.

He introduced the statistics that “the number of criminals per 100,000 Japanese nationals at the time in 2015 was 63.6, but there were 608 per 100,000 Koreans in Japan.”

This statistic was cited in a book entitled’Korea Made by Yakuzawa Gisaeng’ by Mitsuhiro Suganuma, a Japanese far-right man.

This book is not an academic book, but a commercial project that puts Suganuma’s interview on paper. It is said that he selected a book that could not but question the reliability and cited statistics.

At the same time, Professor Ramsey raised a theory of color for the entire Korean-Japanese society.

In 1948, during the April 3rd of Jeju, communist forces escaped the government’s oppression and smuggled to Japan, and became the mainstream Korean-Japanese society.

As the communists became leaders, Ramsey put a political agenda at the forefront of the Korean-Japanese society, and that this kind of appearance aroused hostility among Japanese people, Ramsay said.

He argued that “Koreans living in Japan caused greater suspicion, hostility and discrimination by themselves.

Claims that the leftist instigated discrimination by itself as the leader of the Korean-Japanese society

picture explanationClaims that the leftist instigated discrimination by itself as the leader of the Korean-Japanese society

It is a logic that the far left dominated the Korean-Japanese society for their political purposes, and because of this, the ethnic conflict with Japanese society went to extremes, which led to discrimination against Korean-Japanese.

Professor Ramzier also cited a 2017 report from the Sankei Shimbun that said that espionage education for students at a school currently run by the Korean Federation of Koreans in Japan (Chosun Chongryon) is currently running.

At the same time, he argued that capable Koreans in Japan change their nationality to Japan.

Professor Ramsey said, “Koreans with educated and economic power have learned that it is simple to leave the Korean-Japanese society and assimilate into Japanese society,” he said. “Only the most vulnerable socially have Korean citizenship.”

Professor Ramsey concluded the thesis with the conclusion that “the history of Koreans living in Japan reminds me of the adage that’the biggest enemy of a group that cannot function properly is an inner leader’.”

Professor Mark Ramsey's thesis'The Problems of Social Capital and Opportunistic Leadership'

picture explanationProfessor Mark Ramsey’s thesis’The Problems of Social Capital and Opportunistic Leadership’


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