Harden’s Brooklyn debut, 30 points triple double

James Harden made a spectacular debut in Brooklyn. [사진 브루클린 인스타그램]

James Harden made a spectacular debut in Brooklyn. [사진 브루클린 인스타그램]

James Harden (32), an American professional basketball (NBA) special shooting guard, played a splendid haze during his debut in the Brooklyn Nets.

32 points against Orlando
Synergy with Combi Durant also scored 42 points

Harden scored 32 points, 12 rebounds, 14 assists and 4 steals in a home game against Orlando Magic in the NBA regular league in the 2020-21 season held at Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York, USA on the 17th (Korean time). It is a triple double to score a whopping 30 points. Harden was the first to achieve a triple double by scoring more than 30 points in the first game after the transfer.

It was the first game Harden played after transferring from the Houston Rockets to Brooklyn. He didn’t have time to get in touch with his teammates, but Harden poured out the scoring holes as if he was familiar with the Brooklyn team’s tactics.

It is an activity worthy of fame. Harden is the NBA’s’scoring machine’. Last season, he scored 34.3 points per game, 7.5 assists, and 6.6 rebounds, making him the top scorer. He won the title of the league’s highest scorer for three consecutive seasons. He was selected eight times in the All-Star game and five times in the season’s best five.

The shaggy beard and expressionless face are trademarks. Unlike her crude appearance, the play is colorful and flexible. The step-back jumper (shooting while taking a step back after dribble) and the flashy euro step (zigzag dribble) are the talents.

The game management was as bright as the score. The NBA homepage said, “Harden’s playmaking ability shined from the start of the game. Rather than dribbling unreasonably, he found his teammates and passed.”

Kevin Durant, who had eaten rice with Harden again after nine years, also flew. Durant scored 42 points, the most in one game this season. Durant played with Harden during the 2011-12 season in the Oklahoma City Thunder. Brooklyn beat Orlando 122-115. Brooklyn’s 3 consecutive wins became 8-6.

Harden wore a Brooklyn uniform on the 14th through a four-point trade, including the Indiana Pacers and the Cleveland Cavaliers. Whatever the transfer, the four teams were tied up to solve the problem of salary cap (limited annual salary) and to avoid overlapping positions within the team.

First, Brooklyn brought Harden and sent Cleveland center Jared Allen (23) and forward Taurine Prince (27). Houston won guard Dante Exom (26) in Cleveland, Forward Rodians Kurux (23) in Brooklyn, and guard Victor Oladefoe (29) in Indiana. Indiana has signed guard Carris Lebert, 27, from Brooklyn.

By joining Harden, Brooklyn completed the hardest attack trio of her time, Harden-Durant-Kairi Irving (29). Some believe it will be as much as Michael Jordan-Scotty Pippen-Dennis Rodman, who led the Bulls dynasty.
Reporter Pee Ju-young [email protected]
