‘Happy Me Too’ spread to professional baseball… Club “confirming facts”

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The school violence problem that started in professional volleyball, this time revealed that he was assaulted by an active professional baseball player while in school.

The player’s club is being checked for facts.

Reporter Min-chan Kim reports.

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Last night, on social media, an active professional baseball player, Mr. A, revealed that he was harassed by school more than 10 years ago.

It is said that he, who was a fourth grader at the time, was assaulted several times by Mr. A, a baseball club in the same grade.

In addition to the physical assault, Mr. A disclosed the real name of Mr. A, claiming that there was an act of bullying, such as using the victim’s name and swear words in the classroom.

In an interview with MBC, the victim argued that not all memories were accurate because the assault took place collectively, but it is certain that Mr. A was the main actor, not just a participant in the assault.

At that time, due to violence and bullying, he transferred to school when he was in the 6th grade of elementary school, and he was depressed afterwards, and he was still receiving drug treatment.

He said that he was encouraged by the recent incident of school violence in professional volleyball.

Mr. A’s club, who was alleged as the perpetrator, announced that it would investigate the facts and take seriously if the evidence is confirmed.

However, as a result of the interview, Mr. A said he did not remember the victim’s personal information and the incident.

At the time, it was reported that the elementary school teacher and friends around him also did not remember or denied that there was no such fact.

[프로야구 관계자]

“The club is investigating itself, but the memories uploaded by the victim and the players are different.”

12 years ago, as the assault case reoccurs, controversial male professional volleyball coach Lee Sang-yeol of KB Insurance has decided to give up his remaining business trips.

This is Min-Chan Kim of MBC News.

(Video coverage: Jo Yoongi/Video editing: Actor Woojin)

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