[와이즈경제=황인홍기자] In accordance with the’NEXT 2030 Management Principles’, Hana Financial Group aims to apply all affiliates of the group by 2050 in order to maximize the value of all stakeholders and to continuously practice the group mission’Finance to Grow Together and Share Happiness’. It announced on the 10th that it has declared carbon neutral.
This is to actively participate in the government’s goal of ‘2050 carbon neutral’ and contribute to the expansion of the new and renewable energy market through the transition to a low-carbon economy.
In addition, Hana Financial Group declared coal-free financing to completely halt financing of new projects for the construction of domestic and foreign coal-fired power plants and acquisition of bonds.
In addition, by completing the establishment of the’Environmental and Social Risks Management (ESRM)’ in the first half of the year, we plan to focus on selecting projects with environmental damage and human rights violations to curb financial support. It aims to join the Equator Principles.

Together with this, Hana Financial Group will strengthen various processes to enhance transparency in the ESG management practice process.
First, we are developing the’Hana-Taxonomy’, which strictly reflects the Financial Services Commission’s Green Classification System (K-Taxonomy) and global standards, and reflects this on Hana Bank’s computerization in 2021. We plan to transparently manage ESG financial performance through city ▲ environmental risk reflection ▲ environmental system product code application.
In addition, it plans to publish a TCFD report in June that reflects the guidance of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).
In the last ‘2019 Sustainability Report’, Hana Financial Group has disclosed the group’s climate change risk response status reflecting the TCFD guide, and the newly published report has undergone in-depth analysis on climate change risk. ▲ The group will focus on the future. Identification of high-risk sectors to be managed ▲ It will contain contents such as the risk management scenario development plan accordingly.
In addition, Hana Financial Group is planning to enhance understanding and increase practical participation by conducting various ESG education and events for employees, focusing on internalizing ESG management above all else.
First, from March, we plan and conduct ESG training for all employees, including newcomers, managers, and executives, to enhance the group’s overall understanding of ESG and promote practical work competency that can be reflected in practical work.
In addition, the’Hana Green Step5 Environmental Campaign’, which has been in effect since February ▲ switching to power-saving mode ▲ using personal cups ▲ using stairs ▲ not leaving food ▲ using public transportation when commuting, is scheduled to be launched on a regular basis and an additional event. It plans to provide various opportunities for employees and customers to recognize and practice the importance of ESG together.
Meanwhile, Hana Financial Group worked with 30 global financial companies in 2018[UNEP PRB(United Nations Environment Programme Principles for Responsible Bank)] Participated in the establishment of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index[DJSI(Dow Jones Sustainability Indices)] It has been included in the Asia Pacific Index for 5 consecutive years.
In addition, the best in the CDP climate change response sector announced by the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) in recognition of excellence in the governance structure, risk management, management strategy, carbon emission target and performance management system for responding to climate change in 2020. He has acquired the grade’Leadership A’.
In addition, since 2016 when it first participated in the CDP, Hana Financial Group has been steadily incorporated into the’Carbon Management Sector Honors’ in the financial sector in recognition of various efforts.