Hana Financial concludes selection of CEO candidates for 6 affiliates

Input 2021.03.02 18:52

On the 2nd, Hana Financial Group held a management committee for affiliated companies (government committee) and nominated for CEOs (CEO) of six affiliates, including Hana Asset Trust, Hana Alternative Investment Asset Management, Hana F&I, Hana Financial TI, Hana Ventures, and Finck. He said he had resolved the deliberation. This concluded the selection of CEO candidates for all affiliates of Hana Financial Group.

Former Hana Bank Compliance Officer Kang Dong-hoon was selected as the candidate for the new Hana F&I president, and Park Geun-young, the current head of Hana Bank’s ICT Group, was selected as the new Hana Financial TI president candidate. Candidate Kang and Candidate Park are expected to receive two-year terms after going through the board of directors and regular shareholders’ meetings of their respective companies.

Kang Dong-hoon (left), Hana F&I’s CEO and candidate Park Geun-young, Hana Financial Group’s CEO and presidential candidate. / Provided by Hana Financial

Candidate Dong-hoon Kang, who was selected as the next president of Hana F&I, was born in 1961 and graduated from Korea University’s law department.He joined KEB in 1988 and served as a professor in charge of credit education in the Human Resources Department of KEB, executive director of compliance officer, and executive director of compliance officer at Hana Bank. Internal evaluation is that he has been working at a bank for over 30 years and has a deep understanding and insight into the financial environment at home and abroad, and as a compliance officer of the bank, he has excellent insight into the laws and strategies of the entire business.

Candidate Park Geun-young, the next president of Hana Financial TI, was born in 1963, graduated from Dankook University’s Department of Computational Statistics, entered the Computer Department of Hana Bank in 1991, and is a bank IT expert who has worked in IT-related departments for more than 20 years. In 2016, he was also in charge of the computerization integration work of the former Hana Bank and the former Korea Exchange Bank. Based on this expertise, it was evaluated as the right person to lead Hana Financial TI, who is in charge of digitizing the entire group.

Hana Asset Trust President Lee Chang-hee, Hana Asset Management President Kim Hee-seok, Kim Dong-hwan, Hana Ventures President, and Kwon Young-tak, president of Hana Ventures, and Kwon Young-tak, president of Hana Ventures, are each expected to extend their term of office by one year. The CEO candidates of each company are scheduled to be elected through the board of directors of each company and a regular shareholders’ meeting held this month.
