“Han Jung-ae is wonderful…Park Beom-gye’s mysterious 1st loss”

The personnel hearing of candidate Han Jeong-ae, Minister of Environment, is being held at the National Assembly on the 20th.  A candidate is answering a question from Congressman Seong-won Kim.  Yonhap News TV capture

The personnel hearing of candidate Han Jeong-ae, Minister of Environment, is being held at the National Assembly on the 20th. A candidate is answering a question from Congressman Seong-won Kim. Yonhap News TV capture

At the National Assembly personnel hearing for Minister Han Jeong-ae held on the 20th, opposition lawmakers exclaimed, “If the Moon Jae-in administration nominates a candidate for ministerial candidates, it is unlikely that such a story will come out because it is’blow morality’.”

At the hearing that day, Congressman Seong-won Kim said, “I think the personnel hearing system is not the problem, it is the people.” “As I prepare for the hearing, I think that one candidate has lived quite well. You have lived well,” he said.

Rep. Kim continued, “Compared to one candidate, how is the candidate for Justice Minister Park Beom-gye? Will the people admit it? Candidate Park won a mysterious loss.”

However, Rep. Kim added, “If a candidate who was a former labor activist went to the Minister of Employment instead of the Minister of Environment, I tried to applaud it.” “I think I could play a bigger role in the Ministry of Employment.”

In the following remarks, Rep. Kim inquired about the position of former Environment Minister Kim Eun-kyung being tried on suspicion of a’blacklist’. In response, one candidate said, “We are sorry to have entered legal proceedings.” He added, “I still have an old sentence, but it is inappropriate to speak directly because it has not been sentenced,” he said. “We have reached a situation where the State Council member recommended by our party has led to social controversy,” he said. “I am sorry.”

One candidate said in a remark at a personnel hearing on that day, “We will lay the foundation for the actual implementation of carbon neutrality, and build an inclusive environmental safety net from the perspective of the people to create a change in the environment that the people can feel. In addition, he emphasized, “We will strive to adapt to climate change by preparing a flood response system suitable for the era of climate crisis, while strengthening the role of local governments.” Also, “We will preemptively establish an environmental safety net to prevent damage to the vulnerable and sensitive groups in climate crises such as chemical material safety, environmental pollution, heat waves, and floods. “I will thoroughly read the victims’ hearts through prospective support and relief from the victims.”

Reporter Han Young-hye [email protected]
