Han Dong-hoon “If both Yoon Seok-yeol and I had covered the motherland investigation, they would have gone on a flower road.”

Dong-Hoon Han Research Fellow, Legal Affairs Training Institute. [연합뉴스]

Dong-Hoon Han Research Fellow, Legal Affairs Training Institute. [연합뉴스]

Han Dong-hoon (48, 27th Judicial Research and Training Institute), a research fellow at the Judicial Research and Training Institute, said in a media interview on the 15th that he “did something to do” in relation to the prosecution’s investigation into the family of former Justice Minister Cho Kook. He believes that the investigation of former Minister Cho had an effect on the deportation of personnel.

In an interview with the Chosun Ilbo released on the same day, a researcher asked the reporter whether this greeting was the retaliation of the motherland investigation, and said, “Would this have happened even if I was not involved in the investigation? I think it is because of that.”

Regarding the prosecution’s investigation into the family of former Minister Cho, one researcher said, “There were so many unexplained suspicions.” He argues that intensive investigation was necessary due to the lies of the people involved and the fleeing abroad.

He said, “Even if you look at such things as irregularities in the entrance exam or fund irregularities, when the facts are revealed, ordinary people admit the facts, but defend them by explaining the advantageous circumstances.” “But rather, they mobilized conspiracy theories to deny the facts more actively. “More investigations such as seizure search were needed.”

One researcher is in charge of investigating former Presidents Lee Myung-bak and Park Geun-hye, and was selected by the Moon Jae-in administration as the third deputy chief of the Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office and the head of the anti-corruption and strong prosecution. After the investigation involving Cho, the deputy prosecutor of the Busan High Prosecutor’s Office → transferred to the Research Fellow of the Legal Research and Training Institute was evaluated as to whether he had been relegated.

He continued, “If I wanted a hound that only asked for the power, I shouldn’t have used me,” he said. “He said.

Regarding the view that the government was investigating for political purposes, one researcher said, “If you or I had closed your eyes once and covered the investigation of your country, it would have been a flower road.” It’s not a calculation. But it was just something to do, so I did it. It’s professional ethics.”

Regarding the government’s and ruling party’s reform of the prosecution, one researcher said, “I highly agree.” However, he added, “The real prosecution reform is to create a system that can strictly investigate even living power corruption.” He believes that the Moon Jae-in administration’s reform of prosecution is contrary to this direction.

In addition, a researcher said, “At the moment when it becomes a new normal to not be punished even though the power irregularities of the strong are revealed, corruption will spread like a zombie to all areas of the corporation.” “The common people will be openly exploited.”

Regarding the recent apology, the president of the Roh Moo Hyun-dan, Yoo Si-min, who claimed that the prosecution had traced the Foundation’s account a year ago, said, “Not only me, but many people who have been deceived by Yu’s false agitation for more than a year are victims. “There will be a response.

Reporter Oh Won-seok [email protected]
