Ham So-won’Kimchi = Pao Chai?’ A petition asking for exit from the broadcast also appeared

Ham So-won’Kimchi = Pao Chai?’ A petition asking for exit from the broadcast also appeared

Revision 2021.02.25 09:44Input 2021.02.25 09:44

Ham So-won'Kimchi = Pao Chai?'  A petition asking for exit from the broadcast also appeared
The petition for getting off the broadcast that was posted on the Blue House National Petition Bulletin. Photo = Capture of the Blue House National Petition Board

[아시아경제 김소영 인턴기자] Amid constant controversy with China over the traditional Korean food’the originator of kimchi’, broadcaster Ham So-won referred to kimchi as’Pao Chai’, a Chinese pickled vegetable, and was controversial.

On the 15th, a petition with the title “I petition Mr. A, who called Kimchi as Pao Chai, to get off the broadcast, was posted on the Blue House National Petition Bulletin. Cheong Won-in wrote, “While A was broadcasting live on Instagram with her Chinese mother-in-law last January, there was a case where viewers asked for correction by letting them know that kimchi was Pao Cha.”

The real name of the broadcaster that the petitioner pointed out could not be found, but netizens pointed out Ham So-won, who is appearing in the taste of Chinese mother-in-law and TV Chosun wife, as the person.

However, the petitioner said, “As the intellectual continued, the live broadcast was deleted, but there were a lot of witnesses and evidences.” I did” he wrote.

So-won Ham uploaded a picture of kimchi on the Social Network Service (SNS) and tagged’#Kimchi’ as if he was conscious of the criticism of the public opinion, such as the posting of a petition for the Blue House requesting abandonment.

Currently, Ham So-won’s Instagram includes “Kimchi is a Korean food.” “Why do you really call Kimchi Pao Cha?” “I came up to the petition for getting off, but are you going to go over it this time?” Comments such as “Kimchi, even in English,” are continuing.

Intern reporter Kim So-young [email protected]
