‘Hakpok’ index “stayed in the same hotel as Kim So-hyun” revisiting the past remarks

Jisoo attended the production presentation of the KBS2 drama'River River' held at the KBS annex in Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul on the afternoon of the 15th of last month.  News 1

Jisoo attended the production presentation of the KBS2 drama’River River’ held at the KBS annex in Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul on the afternoon of the 15th of last month. News 1

Jisoo, who admitted to the fact of school violence and got off from the drama she was appearing in, came up with another rumor with her past remarks.

The remarks in question came from the online production presentation of KBS2’s Monday-Tuesday drama’River River’ held on the 15th of last month. At the time, Jisoo mentioned actor Kim So-hyun, who was in charge of the female protagonist. “Kim So-hyun and I did the same work in the past, but we also went to Singapore twice.” “I stayed in the same hotel,” he said. It is a remark that can be interpreted as if two people traveled together.

So-hyun Kim immediately drew a line saying, “I keep saying this, but it can be misunderstood.”

Then Jisoo said, “I went separately for work, but I accidentally ran into it. “So, at the beginning of the filming, I told So Hyeon-yang,’If we work together, it will be a life story’, but So Hyun-yang said’Huh?

After the controversy over school violence emerged, the remarks were re-examined, and reactions that were very inappropriate, such as “I didn’t consider the other actors at all,” and “It’s a word that crosses the line” continues.

Meanwhile, on the 5th, YTN reported that the index, which admitted the fact of being abusive, is enlisting in October. It is said that the warrant came out in December of last year, before the controversy. After undergoing surgery for acute osteomyelitis in 2016, he replaces a social worker.

Jisoo is stepping out of the broadcasting industry due to controversy over the school violence. After getting off at KBS2’s Monday-Tuesday drama’River of the Moon’, TV replay services such as the previous MBC drama’When I Was the Most Beautiful’ were also stopped.

The suspicion was raised through an online community on the 2nd. The author of Jisoo’s junior high school alumni argued that in an article titled’Actor Jisoo is a abuser’, “(Jisoo) reigned as school Iljin in earnest from the second year of middle school in 2007 and committed all kinds of evil behaviors at school.”

The suspicion surrounding him is the most serious of all suspicions raised in the entertainment world so far. According to the victims’ arguments, Jisoo used violence and abusive language while in school, and suspicions of extortion of money and goods, sexual harassment, and sexual assault were raised.

In the end, Jisoo admitted and apologized by posting a handwritten letter on his SNS. He said, “I sincerely apologize to those who have suffered because of me. There is no excuse for misconduct in the past. These were actions that could not be forgiven,” he said. “I will reflect on and regret my past, which I cannot wash in my life. I sincerely apologize on my knees to all those who have been damaged by me,” he bowed his head.

Reporter Juhee Hong [email protected]
