‘Hair loss’ Goo Jun-yeop, scalp tattoo recent status… “Amazed around”

‘Hair loss’ Goo Jun-yeop, scalp tattoo recent status… “Amazed around”

Revision 2021.02.17 04:19Input 2021.02.17 04:19

'Hair loss' Goo Jun-yeop, scalp tattoo recent status...
Photo = Captured YouTube channel’Gray City SMP’.

[아시아경제 김봉주 기자] On the 15th, it was known that clone DJ KOO Goo Jun-yeop had a hair root tattoo on his shaved head.

Recently, the tattoo process of Goo Jun-yeop was revealed through the YouTube channel’Gray City SMP’.

In the video, Goo Jun-yeop said, “As I got older, my hair loss became more severe, so after a year of trouble, I had a scalp tattoo.”

Alex Park, a designer who is famous for scalp tattoos, explained, “Because Gu Jun-yeop’s head is Western-style, the straight hair looks good. Because the face is small, I will not lower the forehead line too much.”

Goo Jun-yeop’s hair attracted attention with a natural hairline as if it had real hair roots.

The netizens who saw the tattoo of Gu Jun-yeop admired that “the technology has improved a lot.”

Reporter Kim Bong-ju [email protected]
