Haeundae Porsche 7 accident driver imprisonment for 5 years… Porsche confiscation
Reporter Wooyoung Lee [email protected], Reporter Hansoo Kim hangang@
Input: 2021-02-16 15:13:16Revision: 2021-02-16 15:31:32Published: 2021-02-16 15:27:56

A Porsche driver who had a seven-fold collision in Haeundae, Busan after driving in a hallucinated state while inhaling cannabis is coming out after undergoing a warrant examination at the Dongbu Branch of the Busan District Law in September last year. Busan Ilbo DB
A driver who drove a Porsche into a drug hallucination in a middle east city center in Haeundae-gu, Busan, and was sentenced to five years in prison.
On the 16th, the first criminal division of the Busan District Court, Dongbu District Officer (Judge Yeom Guard), sentenced Mr. A, a Porsche driver in his 40s, to five years in prison and confiscated a Porsche vehicle, who was charged with violating the law on drug management.
At that time, Mr. B, in his 40s, who handed synthetic hemp to Mr. A and helped drive, was sentenced to 3 years in prison and 5 years probation.
Mr. A was accused of driving a French car from Haeundae Station to Jungdong Station on the Middle East Urban Railway in Haeundae-gu, Busan at 5:40 pm on September 14 last year in a state of hallucination of synthetic hemp. Previously, two cars were hit in a row near Haeundae Station on the urban railroad.
In this accident, a total of 7 people were injured, including a motorcyclist near the Middle East Station.
The prosecution’s investigation revealed that Mr. A and Mr. B purchased and inhaled synthetic hemp through Telegram.
The judge explained that “the defendant seemed to have been weak in mind and body as his judgment ability was lowered by the synthetic hemp administered at the time, but he did not apply the reduction of the charges to those who caused the mental and physical weakness by himself.”
He continued, “Several punishment is necessary when considering the fact that synthetic cannabis, which has limited distribution in the country, was used several times, caused a traffic accident that caused several victims, and that the prevention of additional crimes, which is the cause of drug crime regulation, was placed in the face.” Said.
The judge said the reason for the sentence, saying, “The passenger delivered drugs to provide the cause of the traffic accident in this case, but the fact that the degree of involvement in the actual driving process was small.”
Reporters Hansoo Kim and Wooyoung Lee hangang@