‘Haero’ in 67 years ended with corona… Husband followed 15 minutes after wife sent

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The 67th anniversary of their marriage, an old couple closed their eyes. The wife passed away first, and 15 minutes later, the husband followed.

According to the Associated Press on the 21st of the local time, Bill (88) and Esther (92) Ilnischi died at around 10 am on the 1st in a hospice ward in Pampichi County, Florida, USA. The couple entered into a marriage relationship in 1955.

The first meeting dates back to the 1950s. Bill, who was a pastor at the time, met Esther while looking for a church piano accompanist. After a while the two men and women fell in love.

Bill made a proposal to Esther. “Esther, I can’t promise you wealth, but I can promise you a lot of adventure.” As Bill said, Esther had a lot of adventures.

The married couple in 1955 left for Jamaica for missionary work. At this time, she adopted Sarah, who was then two years old. After that, he moved to Lebanon in 1969 to do missionary activities targeting college students.

Six years later, in 1975, the war broke out in Lebanon and was caught in a whirlwind of war. Bombs exploded near apartments, and bullets broke through walls. The life-threatening life continued. Eventually, the couple returned to the United States in 1976 with the help of the US Marines.

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Returning to the United States, Bill led a religious group until the last three years. Esther has also been active in religious groups.

However, this routine has stopped due to Corona 19. The symptoms of Corona 19 appeared a few days after my daughter visited. The couple were confirmed confirmed and admitted to the hospice ward on the 27th of last month.

The couple spent the last time in the same room. As time passed, the condition got worse and worse, and the time of goodbye was approaching.

Daughter Sarah said goodbye to her quarantined parents through the window. “I love you,” Bill nodded. Esther tried to talk, but couldn’t.

At 10:15 a.m. on March 1, 2021, Esther stopped breathing. And 15 minutes later, Bill passed away. To the right of Esther, Bill lay down, and Esther faced him. “They were always, always together,” said Sarah. “It fits really well.”
