Ha Sung-yong’s first trial probation on charges of KAI fraudulent accounting and hiring corruption

Former president of Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) Ha Sung-yong, who was handed over to trial on charges such as fraudulent accounting and hiring corruption, was sentenced to probation from imprisonment at the first trial.

The 21st Division of the Seoul Central District Court’s Criminal Agreement (President Judge Kim Mi-ri) sentenced President Ha to one year and six months in prison and two years of probation at a trial of eight people, including President Ha, who were charged with embezzlement. Of the 10 charges, only some of the crimes of embezzlement and obstruction were found guilty.

The accusation of using it as if it had exchanged money at a low exchange rate and subtracting the difference of 1 billion won was recognized as innocent due to lack of evidence.

The judge said, “President Ha convicted only the part of the embezzlement by randomly using gift certificates worth 180 million won.” “CEO Ha has no criminal history and has never made any personal gains, such as accepting money or other items related to unfair employment.” He added, “President Ha has already been in detention for over a year in this case and other matters. I decided to take into consideration the type.”

Former President Ha was arrested in September 2017 when he was investigated for the case and handed over to trial in October of the same year. He was released after a court granted bail in September this year.

The court sentenced the company’s aunt, head of the domestic business headquarters and the head of the aunt’s management support headquarters, who were both prosecuted and sentenced to eight months in prison and one year probation. Jeong-mo, head of the personnel management office, was fined 5 million won.

Three executives, including Finance Headquarters Shim Mo, who were charged with accounting fraud and fraudulent loans, were acquitted. Park Mo, the head of the local government, who requested personnel from former President Ha, was also acquitted.

Earlier, the prosecution sentenced former president Ha to 12 years in prison last November. In addition, the executives and employees asked Park to be sentenced to prison sentences of between 6 months and 8 years in prison, respectively.

In order to improve business performance from 2013 to the first quarter of 2017, President Ha, overpaid advance payments and did not reflect loss provisions and business expenses, etc., on charges of accounting for 5358 billion won in sales and 46.5 billion won in net profit. Handed over to trial.

[홍혜진 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
