H2 Interactive launches Korean version of the hardcore action game’Ghost Runner’ for PS4/Nintendo Switch

[smartPC사랑=임병선 기자] H2 Interactive(Below H2 INTERACTIVE, representation: Junha Heo)Is all-in! Games(All in! Games) Wow 505 Games(505 Games)A hardcore action game published by Ghost Runner(GHOSTRUNNER)’ PS4 And Nintendo Switch Korean version package Onemonth 28Announced that it was officially released.

Ghost RunnerIs a high-speed hardcore action game set against a huge building in the future of a cyberpunk universe.. The player is a state-of-the-art blade fighter, killing enemies, Climb the Dharma Tower, the last refuge of mankind, from the bottom to the top, Revenge must be completed against the dictator Keymaster.

After the end of the world, Dharma Tower was full of violence.. The key master who ruled this place, Mara, ruled the tower as a grim dictator who considered even the lives of people insignificant., As resources were depleted, the weak became prey for the strong, and the order disappeared into chaos.. And before humanity was destroyed, The last chance to have hope remains..

Do not be overwhelmed by countless enemies, cut them down with a single-molecule blade.. Use your superhuman reflexes to dodge bullets and use various special skills to win the battle.. One hit one kill mechanism induces combat faster and more intensely. Courageously challenge infinite death with powerful maneuverability and countless checkpoints!

Fast-paced violent battle, And SFThe unique setting of a mix of and post-apocalyptic themes provides the player with a unique, single-player experience.. ‘Ghost RunnerIs the story of those who want to survive in a world that is already over..

Also, This Ghost Runner PS4 And in commemoration of the launch of the Nintendo Switch package, a genuine purchase authentication event and a video sharing event are in progress on the H2 interactive YouTube channel.. If you participate in the event, CGV Azit X Ticket, CGV Movie ticket, You can get game download codes, etc..

Ghost Runner PS4 Korean version later PS5 Free upgrades will be provided at the launch of Ghost Runner,, For more information, visit the website and Facebook., And youtube, H2We can confirm in mall.

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