Gwangju TCS International School 100 confirmed… Student group infection

122 people including students and staff

66 people gathered from different regions

On the 26th, the lights are on at Gwangju TCS International School in Unnam-dong, Gwangsan-gu, Gwangju. The quarantine authorities said that 100 people were confirmed to have a novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) in this camp where 122 students are staying. /Gwangju = Yonhap News

Another TCS international school in Gwangju related to IM Mission also revealed a bunch of confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus (Corona 19).

Gwangju Mayor Yong-seop Lee said in an online briefing on the 26th, “The largest group infection in the region occurred at Gwangju TCS International School, an unauthorized educational facility in Gwangju-gu, Gwangju.” In the tests of 135 students, including students, faculty, and church members, 100 are positive, 26 are negative, and the remaining 9 are undergoing tests.

Gwangju TCS International School is an organization related to the IM Mission and is an unauthorized educational facility operated to train missionaries. It is known to be run by Hanmaeum Church, and 122 students and faculty members were in camp. Of these, 66 were found to be from other regions.

In Gwangju, on the 23rd, after the first confirmed cases came out at TCS Ace International School in Buk-gu, there are currently 37 confirmed cases, including related churches and educational facilities. The group infection that occurred on that day was confirmed during a total inspection of the Gwangju educational facility related to the IM Mission. The facility has been isolated from the outside until now after samples of students, faculty, and some members of the church were collected on the afternoon of the 25th.

The city of Gwangju plans to transfer them to a life treatment center near where they live, considering that most of the international school students diagnosed as being confirmed are minors from the age of 6 to teens, and more than half of the students are residents of other regions.

This month, Gwangju City has four IM mission facilities in Gwangju, including TCS Ace International School (Bitnaeri Church), Gwangju TCS International School (Hanmaeum Church), Tikhun TCS International School (Gwangmyeong Seohyeon Church), and Antioch Trinity CAS (Antioch Church). Church visitors who were close to the facility were asked to undergo diagnostic tests immediately.

Mayor Lee said, “Students, faculty and parents of religious education facilities should be tested as soon as possible regardless of contact with the confirmed person or with or without symptoms.”

/ Reporter Kim Sun-deok [email protected]

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